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Board of Governors Policies and Procedures Manual

Board of Governors - Policy Manual


The Board of Governors has statutory powers to adopt rules and regulations for the guidance and supervision of the University of Central Missouri. The Board of Governors reserves the right to expand upon, alter, amend, or delete any rule, regulation, policy or by-law contained herein as may be deemed necessary or appropriate for the governance of the university.

The Board of Governors Policy Manual is published to communicate adopted rules, regulations, policies and by-laws to the campus community. Each section of the Board of Governors Policy Manual shall remain effective until revisions are approved by the Board of Governors at which time the revisions become effective immediately upon final approval of the Board of Governors unless stated otherwise within the rule, regulation, policy or by-law.

The UCM Policy Office will notify campus in a timely fashion of all revisions made to this manual and shall post new and revised policies to the Policy Office Website. Questions concerning the content and interpretation of the Board of Governors Policy Manual may be directed to the university’s policy director, general counsel, president or Board of Governors.


Citations of Missouri statutes of law are from the Revised Statutes of the State of Missouri (2000) and are cited using the appropriate economical statutory citation format used within Missouri, i.e., Missouri Revised Statute (2000), Chapter 174, Section 55 shall be cited as: Section 174.055, RSMo.

Chapter 1: Board of Governors

Section 1: Board Operation

Section 2: University Operation

Chapter 2: Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits

Chapter 3: Academic Affairs

Chapter 4: Finance and Administration

Chapter 5: Student Affairs


Undergraduate Admissions Policy


Residential Requirement Policy


Out-of-State Fee Waiver for Missouri DACA Student Policy (Suspended)

UCM Procedures and Guidelines


The Board of Governors has statutory powers to adopt rules and regulations for the guidance and supervision of the University of Central Missouri. The Board of Governors reserves the right to expand upon, alter, amend, or delete any rule, regulation, policy or by-law contained herein as may be deemed necessary or appropriate for the governance of the university. The Board of Governors delegates the authority to adopt UCM Procedures and Guidelines to the university president.

UCM Procedures and Guidelines is published to communicate adopted rules, regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines to the campus community. Each procedure and guideline shall remain effective until revisions are approved by the university president at which time the revisions become effective immediately upon final approval of the university president unless stated otherwise within the rule, regulation, policy, procedure or guideline.

The UCM Policy Office will notify campus in a timely fashion of all revisions made to UCM Procedures and Guidelines and shall post new and revised procedures and guidelines to the Policy Office Web site. Questions concerning the content and interpretation of the UCM Procedures and Guidelines may be directed to the university’s policy officer, general counsel, president or Board of Governors.

Procedures List (Alphabetical)


Human Resources Procedure Manual

View Related Policies and Procedures


UCM Procedures and Guidelines

View Related Policies and Procedures

Campus image

Sexual Harassment

1.2.155 Rescinded June 13, 2024, subsumed by 1.2.150


Office of the General Counsel
Administration 208
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Tel: 660-543-4730

