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Office Supply Purchasing Policy

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name: Office Supply Purchasing Policy

Date Approved:  

Procedure Category:  Procurement

Date Effective:  June 1, 2018

Policy Authority:  

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  

Review Cycle:

Responsibility Director of Procurement and Materials Management




The Office of Procurement and Materials Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining vendor contracts. The procedure provides University approved methods, which ensure that high quality goods and services are procured in a consistent, cost effective, and efficient manner to meet UCM’s business needs. It is intended to enable University employees to spend the minimum amount of time shopping for suppliers while receiving the best value.


The University has selected Office Depot and Staples as the office supply vendors, which can be accessed through UCMarket, the university’s eProcurement purchasing system. All office supplies, excluding copy paper shall be purchased through one of these vendors. The items available represent items negotiated on contract and in most instances, are the lowest price available for the item.

Except as specified herein, expenses incurred for purchasing office suppliers through other mechanisms including the Amazon punch out, Business Procurement Card, personal funds, and any other than through the two vendors listed above is not allowed.

The purchase of 8 ½ “x 11” copy paper must be purchased through the warehouse via a Banner requisition.

Office Supplies include but are not limited to:
• General desk hardware/supplies
• Notebooks/binders/folders/labels
• Writing utensils
• Basic art supplies

Office Supplies do not include:
• Ink and Toner
• Copiers/Multi-Function Devices/Printers
• Logo paper
• Specialty art supplies
• Furniture – contact Procurement

For more information, please contact the procurement department at 543-4001.
