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Leaving UCM Procedure

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Leaving UCM

Date Approved:  Approved by the President on January 1, 2005

Procedure Category:  Employment

Date Effective:  January 1, 2005

Policy Authority:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Director of Human Resources




There are several ways to leave University of Central Missouri and a variety of reasons for leaving. This procedure provides basic guidance or reference for most situations that are likely to occur. There are always situations that cannot be anticipated. Those will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis to ensure both the university and employee rights are protected. In general, leaving the university can be broken down into two categories, voluntary and involuntary. Eligibility for rehire is determined based on the reason for termination and consultation with the supervisor.


The university has a long-standing tradition of separation through retirement. For details on the Missouri State Employees Retirement System consult the MOSERS Handbook or website.

Employees are expected to provide at least three months prior written notice of anticipated retirement date from UCM to their immediate supervisor, with a copy of the notice given to the appropriate Human Resource Generalist. Employees whose appointments are approved by the Board of Governors must present notice to the Board of Governors. For details of retirement, normal and early, contact the Office of Human Resources.

Resignation is defined as an act initiated by an employee and may occur for a variety of reasons. All resignations are considered voluntary by the employee and are to be in writing. When appropriate, exempt employees provide four weeks notice and nonexempt employees provide two weeks notice. The resignation notice should be given to the immediate supervisor, with a copy of the notice sent to Human Resources. The area Human Resources Generalist can provide additional information.

Job Abandonment
Job Abandonment occurs when an employee ceases to report for work. The employee's supervisor is in the best position to determine if the employee has abandoned his or her job and should, therefore, be the person who notifies Human Resources that the employee is no longer coming to work and employment needs to be officially ended.


For Cause
Serious violations of policy, university procedures, or conduct may warrant termination of employment.

Progressive Discipline
Central Missouri uses progressive discipline to assist employees in meeting expectations. If an employee fails to meet expectations after progressive measures of discipline are applied, the employee may be terminated. Specific information is available in the Progressive Discipline Policy.

Job Performance
Failure to successfully complete a Performance Improvement Plan may result in termination; however, the supervisor must clearly demonstrate the employee was given the opportunity and means to successfully complete the PIP prior to recommending termination.

Circumstances for Which Employees are not Responsible
Financial stringency, layoffs, reorganization, or discontinuation of a position are all circumstances beyond the control of the employee. Additional information may be found in the Staff Reduction in Force Policy.

Employee's leaving either voluntarily or involuntarily may request a hearing within five business days of leaving the university with the Director of Human Resources.

Checkout Procedures

All employees leaving the university must complete check out procedures. Human Resources provides employees with a check out form to guide through the process. This form is to be completed and turned into the Payroll Office by the end of the last day of employment. Points included in check out include:

  • Exit Interview: When you leave the university, we want to know why, your experiences, observations, and suggestions. Human Resources will ask you to participate in a personalized confidential exit interview.
  • Returning UCM-Owned Property: All UCM-owned property, including clothing, equipment, keys, handbooks, parking permit or remote gate openers, procurement card, and ID are to be returned.
  • Continuation of Benefits: Specific voluntary, employee paid benefits may be continued at the terminating employee's request. Terminated employees are notified in writing regarding which benefits may be continued and of the terms, conditions, and limitations of such continuance.
  • Final Paycheck: Involuntarily terminated employees will receive any pay they have earned up to the date of termination within 48 hours, if requested.
  • Payment of Unused Vacation and Sick Leave: Employees are paid for vacation time accrued and unused as of the last day of employment. Terminating employees are not compensated for unused sick leave. If the employee is vested with MOSERS, unused sick hours will be reported for inclusion in retirement benefits.
  • Paycheck Stubs: All paycheck information is available on employee self-service. 
