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2.1.010 Short-Term Disability Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Short-Term Disability Policy

Date Approved:  Approved by the Board of Regents on November 30, 1994 
Approved by the Board of Governors on December 13, 2002 
Formatting updated August 1, 2007

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits

Date Effective:  December 13, 2002

Policy Number:  2.1.010  

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:   Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department



I. Purpose

The purpose of the short-term illness/disability assistance policy is to provide benefits in the form of a percentage of salary to employees who, due to circumstances of personal illness or injury, are in a no-pay status having used all their available sick leave and vacation time.

II. Policy

A. Benefits provided through the “Short Term Illness/Disability Assistance Policy” will be in accordance with the schedule below. In no instance will individual cumulative benefits under the policy exceed the annual salary at the time of the initial award.

Years of Service

Benefit Level


No Benefit

2nd - 5th

40% of Salary

6th and beyond

50% of Salary

B. Benefits under this policy are not intended for the occasional short-term illness that may result in no-pay status. Employees experiencing an extended absence due to personal medical reasons may apply for short term illness/disability benefits after all accrued sick leave and vacation time are exhausted. The university will continue to provide health and life insurance, and pay retirement contributions while the employee is receiving benefits under this policy.

C. To be eligible for benefits under this policy, the applicant must have been employed full time by the university for a period of no less than one year prior to the date of application.

D. All Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave time not exhausted at the time of application for benefits under this policy will run concurrently with short term illness/disability benefits.

E. To receive benefits under this policy, employees anticipating an extended absence due to medical reasons must submit documentation from a medical provider appropriate to the condition. Continuation of benefits may be contingent upon verification of condition by a physician selected by the university.

F. Benefits under this policy will be granted for a maximum of 180 calendar days (six calendar months) including exhaustion of accrued sick leave and vacation time.

G. When the employee returns to work following a period of extended disability or illness and has subsequent absences related to the original disability within one year of the initial diagnosis, such absences will be considered part of the original leave period.

H. The university will not terminate the employment of an employee receiving short term illness/disability benefits except as specified in Section III. B. If an employment contract is due for renewal during a period when the employee covered under that contract is receiving benefits under this policy, employment shall continue until the short term disability benefit period is exhausted.

Note:  An employee's position may be filled, temporarily or permanently, while the employee is on leave if this is necessary in order to meet business requirements. If this occurs, upon conclusion of the short term illness/disability benefits, the university will attempt to provide a position of comparable classification and compensation.

I. Before the end of six months of continuous disability, application and assessment will be made to determine if the employee qualifies for long-term disability benefits under the insurance plan utilized by the university. If the employee cannot be certified for long-term disability benefits, the employee will either return to work or employment may be terminated with the option to rehire based upon the employee's ability to perform the essential functions of the position for which he or she is qualified and is selected. Re-employment will be contingent on availability of open position.

J. An employee receiving benefits under this policy will be permitted to return to work dependent upon medical clearance and the ability of the employee to perform the essential functions of the position prior to the employee's return.

K. An employee receiving workers' compensation benefits is not eligible for short term illness/disability assistance.

III. Procedures

A. Employees must contact the Office of Human Resources to complete necessary forms and receive information about short term illness/disability benefits. When possible, employees should also maintain regular contact with their supervisors and the Office of Human Resources throughout their absence.

B. Employees who fail to update their status or maintain contact with the university may be terminated on the basis of job abandonment.
