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4.1.030 Policy on Expenditure of University Funds for Political Purposes

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   Policy on Expenditure of University Funds for Political Purposes

Date Approved:  Expenditure of Public Funds Policy was approved by the Board of Regents on June 25, 1994
Approved by the Board of Governors on April 18, 2001
Formatting updated August 1, 2007

Policy Category:  Finance and Administration

Date Effective:  

Policy Number:  4.1.030

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department


I. Purpose

The purpose of the policy on expenditure of university funds for political purposes is to set forth the conditions under which employees may not contribute or cause to be expended university funds for the purpose of advocating, supporting or opposing a ballot measure or candidate for public office.

II. Policy

No contribution or expenditure of university funds shall be made directly by any officer, employee or agent of the University of Central Missouri to advocate, support or oppose any ballot measure or candidate for public office. This policy shall not be construed to prohibit any officer, employee or agent of the university from making public appearances or from issuing press releases concerning any such ballot measure or candidate for public office.

III. Procedure

University funds are defined as those funds appropriated by the state of Missouri for use by the University of Central Missouri, and/or funds generated from student fees or business activities of the university.
