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2.3.030 Additional Compensation Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   Additional Compensation Policy

Date Approved:  Approved by the Board of Regents June 24, 1992
Approved by the Board of Governors on December 14, 2001
Formatting updated August 1, 2007

Policy Category:  Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits - Staff

Date Effective:  

Policy Number:  2.3.030  

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department


I. Purpose

The purpose of this policy is to provide an avenue by which full-time non-teaching professional and support staff members of the University of Central Missouri can receive additional compensation for conducting workshops, seminars, courses or other activities which are of benefit to the university, but which are not part of their regular job description.

II. Policy

A. Full-time, non-teaching professional and support staff employees of the University of Central Missouri may accept responsibility to prepare for and conduct university workshops, seminars, courses, etc., which are not a part of their regular job description.

B. Additional compensation may be approved for the preparation for and performance of a workshop, seminar, course, etc., if the employee takes vacation time or performs the assignment during other than regularly scheduled working hours.

C. Permission of the supervisor is required, along with the approval of release time for that purpose, when the workshop, seminar, course, etc. is to occur during the employee's regularly assigned working hours. Additional compensation may not be approved for such assignments.

D. Employees shall be paid in compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable university policies.

E. Bargaining unit employees are covered by their Memorandums of Understanding with the university and are exempted from this policy

Additional Compensation Procedure

Procedure Name:  Additional Compensation Date Approved:  Approved by the President on September 2, 2004.
Procedure Category:  Personnel Date Effective:
Policy Number:   2.3.030 Date Last Revised:
Approval Authority:  UCM Board of Governors Review Cycle:
Responsible Department:  Director of Human Resources  


I. Exempt Non-Faculty Employees

A. Exempt employees may be compensated by UCM for additional work to be performed that is not part of their regular duties but is separate from or over and above the regular duties set out in their position descriptions. Such duties should be exempt in nature or a review will be required by the Department of Human Resources to ensure that employees do not place their current exempt classification at risk. Some examples of such duties include grant-writing or administration, developing or conducting workshops or seminars, delivering professional services, performing, creating, leading and directing research, and teaching. Any additional work to be performed for and compensated by UCM, above one’s usual salary must be beneficial to UCM.

B. Exempt employees holding full-time staff positions may accept teaching appointments at UCM or other institutions subject to the following conditions:

  1. may not exceed four credit hours in an academic session. Exceptions will be rare and require approval of the intended teacher’s supervisor and relevant vice president or university director, as well as the provost

  2. may be compensated or uncompensated

  3. will require approval of relevant vice president or university director and provost to ensure teaching will not create a conflict of commitment or conflict of interest

  4. will teach at times other than the employee’s regularly scheduled work hours or get supervisor’s approval to adjust work hours. Work hours will need to be made up for teaching performed during regular working hours without taking leave

II. Nonexempt Employees

A. Nonexempt employees must be compensated at one and one-half time for all work in excess of the regularly scheduled 40-hour week, regardless of whether it is performed for the division of UCM that regularly employs the individual or another. Overtime is calculated and paid by adding work time in all areas for the same employer. Overtime earned, due to secondary employment with UCM, must be paid. However, if a nonexempt employee’s assignment includes teaching as a part of the regular assignment, overtime will not be considered.

B. UCM defines a 40-hour week to include vacation, holidays, call in and call back but does not include the block time for the inconvenience of standby (that will be paid on a straight-time basis) or sick leave.

III. Bargaining Unit Employees

Bargaining unit employees are subject to the Memorandum of Understanding between UCM and M.E.W. Local No.1.

IV. Full-time UCM employees who accept paid and unpaid responsibilities with entities other than UCM

Full-time UCM employees who accept paid and unpaid responsibilities with entities other than UCM are subject to the Conflict of Interest and Commitment Policy. When UCM employees perform work beyond their usual duties for outside entities that provide the funding through UCM, that funding must include retirement contributions to be paid by UCM.
