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Emergency Purchases

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Emergency Purchases

Date Approved:  

Procedure Category:  Procurement

Date Effective:  

Policy Authority:

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Director of Procurement and Materials Management


  • An emergency condition is defined as a situation in which there exists a threat to life, property, public health or public safety or when immediate expenditure is necessary for repairs to university property in order to protect against further loss of, or damage to, university property, to prevent or minimize serious disruption in university services or to ensure the integrity of university records.

  • A situation shall not warrant an emergency purchase unless: (1) an emergency condition exists, (2) the element of time is a crucial factor in seeking relief, and (3) the resolution of the condition receives priority over routine operations and duties of the university. Lack of planning does not constitute an emergency condition.

  • Although an emergency procurement requires immediate action, emergency purchases shall be awarded to the best valued vendor whenever reasonably possible to do so considering the conditions existing at the time.

  • The Procurement Office must be notified of such a situation. If it is deemed an emergency condition, the Procurement Office will conduct telephone/fax bids, if time allows, or delegate to the requesting department the authority to solicit bids. If time does not allow for telephone/fax bids, the Procurement Office will place an order immediately with a vendor or authorize the requesting department to place the order.

  • Purchase orders issued in an emergency situation must be accompanied by a brief description of the emergency situation. This documentation must be submitted to Purchasing by the requesting department.
