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2.1.070 Privileges Extended to Emeriti and Retired Employees

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Privileges Extended to Emeriti and Retired Employees

Date Approved:  Approved by the Board of Governors on October 16, 2002

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits

Date Effective:  October 16, 2002

Policy Number:  2.1.070

Date Last Revised:  January 1, 2023

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle: Five Years

Responsible Department: Human Resources


I. Purpose

The University of Central Missouri appreciates its retired faculty and staff members. To this end, certain privileges are extended to all employees retiring from the university in good standing. In addition, emeritus status may be bestowed upon retired UCM employees meeting certain qualifications.

II. Policy

A. All university employees retiring in good standing who are past their 10th anniversary date of employment in a benefits eligible position at UCM upon retirement will receive the following privileges:

  1. Retirees may retain their title, followed by (Ret.), e.g., Business Manager of Cash Control (Ret.).

  2. Retirees will be provided with a complimentary university identification card which will grant them access to facilities and activities on the same basis as active employees. This card will be provided in the same format available to current active employees.

  3. Retirees may continue to use the university's educational development program according to Board of Governors policy.

  4. Retirees will remain on the mailing lists in the Office of the President and the UCM Alumni Foundation to receive special mailings and invitations.

  5. Upon request to Human Resources at time of submitting notice of retirement, retirees will receive a new UCM e-mail account with the domain established by the Office of Technology signifying retiree status, for example Thirty days following retirement, retirees will lose access to their UCM assigned employee email account and Google Drive, their employee drive share, their departmental drive share, MyCentral, and to UCM and departmental systems and software connected on the basis of employment (e.g., Banner, Slate, Oracle, Transact, etc.). Retirees may use that time to transfer personal emails from their account to their account and to notify others of their new address. An email account without any activity after 36 months will be archived. If the account goes another 12 months without being accessed, the account will be deleted. Should an individual be rehired by the University, they will be issued an employee email account for the time of employment.

  6. Retirees should contact the Office of Human Resources for details regarding other benefits, including health and life insurance, for retirees.

  7.  An invitation to an annual event honoring retirees or to the Appreciation Breakfasts (or similar event) at which newly retired persons are recognized.

  8. Automobile tags, upon request to the parking office, for complimentary parking in resident student, commuter student, faculty/staff and Area M lots.  These parking tags are offered on a space-available basis.

B. In addition to the benefits given to Retirees in Section A, the Board of Governors of the University of Central Missouri may grant emeritus status to individuals who are retiring in good standing and who meet the following criteria:

  1. Faculty members; certain administrative staff including the president, provost, vice presidents, vice provosts or university directors; assistant or associate vice presidents; assistant or associate vice provosts; deans; other staff members who report directly to the president and/or Board of Governors, provost, vice presidents or vice provosts; and staff members who hold academic rank and are past their 10th anniversary date of employment in a benefits eligible position; or

  2. Staff members retiring with a minimum of ten (10) years of employment in a benefits eligible position at UCM upon retirement.  The last 10 years of an employee’s employment in a benefits eligible position must be consecutive years of service at UCM to receive emeritus status under this provision.

C. Special circumstances may warrant the Board of Governors granting emeritus status to others at its discretion.

D. In addition to receiving the benefits granted to all retired employees of the university, emeriti will receive:

  1. An invitation to an annual event honoring emeriti.

  2. Special invitations to events, holiday cards and other mailings of an informational and social nature.

  3. Campus space, equipment and/or other resources, excluding university motor vehicles, for continued university research or other projects dependent upon availability of resources and upon approval of a department chair or vice president. Emeriti may be held responsible for personal injuries that occur in the course of their research or other projects that fall outside of the protection of sovereign immunity as defined in current Missouri statutes.

Approved by the Board of Governors October 16, 2002
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors on March 28, 2014
Revised October 16, 2018, for legal compliance.
Revised by the Board of Governors October 26, 2022 effective January 1, 2023.
