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Students Called to Military Service Guidelines

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Students Called to Military Service Guidelines

Date Approved:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040; Section 41.948. RSMo

Procedure Category:  Student and Academic Affairs

Date Effective:  

Policy Authority:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs




When any person who is enrolled as a student and is called to active service or training, whether voluntarily or involuntarily, prior to the completion of the semester, that person must submit documentation to the Office of the Provost and the Office of the Registrar and will be eligible for either:

(1) The awarding of a "W" in one or more courses and a complete refund of all tuition and incidental fees charged for those courses from which withdrawn for that semester, or

(2) The awarding of a grade, including a "U", in the course or courses by completing assignments away from class that meet course objectives. For a grade, course assignments must be completed by the end of the semester. 

If such person has been awarded a scholarship to be used to pursue an academic program and such person is unable to complete the academic term for which the scholarship is granted, that person shall be awarded that scholarship at any subsequent academic term, provided that the person returns to the academic program at UCM at the beginning of the next academic term after the completion of active military service. 

If the person chooses the option described in subsection (1), such person may request that the official transcript indicate the courses from which such person has withdrawn and the reason for the withdrawal, or such person may request that all course titles be expunged from such person's record. Choosing the option of a refund shall not affect the person's official academic record or standing at UCM. 

If the person chooses the option described in subsection (2), such person shall complete the course work to the satisfaction of the course instructor and UCM. The grade of "U" shall be converted to a failing grade if the person does not apply to complete the course work within six months of discharge or release from active military service. In the event the person cannot comply for medical reasons related to the active military service, such person shall apply to complete the course work within three months of the end of the period of convalescence. Choosing subsection (2) shall not affect the person's official academic record or standing at UCM, unless the person fails to complete the course work. At the time the grade of "U" is converted to a final grade, the person may choose either to have the grade of "U" expunged from the official record or to have the grade of "U" remain with the final grade and the reason for the grade of "U".
