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Staff Compensation Structure

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Staff Compensation Structure 

Date Approved Approved by the President on January 1, 2005

Procedure Category:  Compensation

Date Effective:  January 1, 2005

Policy Authority Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  October 3, 2006

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsible Member: Director of Human Resources



Note: Faculty Compensation information is available in Board of Governors Policy 2.2.010 and the Academic Policy and Procedure.


Compensation will be based on an established model, recognizing the various markets in which University of Central Missouri competes for employees. Market is defined as the recruitment zone and/or salary comparison areas used by the university to help guide fair and consistent pay decisions.


Periodic reviews of pay rates and UCM positions as compared to various markets will be conducted. Minimum to maximum pay as established for each level of the Central Job System is considered to be a market-competitive pay rate. Implementation of changes to ranges may be dependent on available university funding.

Hiring managers must consider pay equity within their area and across campus when making a pay rate determination. Guidance will be provided by the area Human Resources Generalist to ensure hiring managers are aware of internal equity issues and/or comparable positions across campus.

No employee will be hired below the minimum of the position designated  CJS pay range. A hiring manager must have Vice Presidential approval to hire above the CJS pay range maximum. Even though a department has job specific market data, the hiring manager may hire below the market data as long as the pay is at least the CJS pay range minimum.

Temporary Pay Increases

Supervisors may assign temporary duties at a level beyond the duties in the current position description. Under "special circumstances" which must be approved in advance by Human Resources, the university may provide additional compensation for these duties. Work must be a higher level, must be performed at least one month, and the higher level work must equal 20% or more of the duties performed.

Compensation will be determined based on the level of the temporary duties to be performed, and must be approved in advance of the temporary assignment being performed. Temporary pay rate adjustments may not exceed a 12-month period.
