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Flextime Policy for Nonexempt Employees

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Flextime Policy for Nonexempt Employees

Date Approved:  Approved by the President on January 10, 2000.

Procedure Category:  Personnel

Date Effective:  2000

Policy Authority:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  2024

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:  5 years

Responsibility:  Supervisors


I. Procedure

The University of Central Missouri values its employees and supports each department's managerial decision to offer flextime to nonexempt, regular, full-time or part-time staff, provided the job is appropriate for flextime and the missions of the department and the university are uncompromised and met. The "Flextime Policy for Nonexempt Employees" establishes procedures for UCM supervisors and employees when implementing flextime within departments. 

II. Policy

A supervisor may establish a work schedule which is different than the regular workdays and workweek, for an employee or group of employees as long as the schedule meets the needs of the department and university, and is not designed to evade the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Any nonexempt employee working a non-standard schedule should have the schedule documented and maintained in employee's departmental files. 

III. Definitions

Flextime - Flextime is the term used for variable work hours that permit flexibility in starting and ending times within limits set by management. A flextime work schedule is any alternative work schedule for employees who normally work the regular 8-hour, 5-day workweek, usually commencing at 8:00 a.m. and ending at 5:00 p.m., but is still a schedule. 

Workweek - The university's normal workweek for nonexempt employees will be 40 hours per week, including rest periods, beginning at 12:00:01 a.m. on Sunday and ending at 12:00:00 (midnight) the following Saturday. This workweek will not be changed, and any hours worked in excess of 40 during that workweek will be compensated at time and one half. The normal workweek consists of five 8-hour days. 

Workdays - Employees will be assigned regular workdays within each workweek. Regular workdays do not need to be consecutive within the workweek. An employee's regular workdays may be adjusted temporarily or on an ongoing basis if the employee is given notice from the supervisor. 

Work Schedule - The university's core business hours during the academic year are from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. During the summer term business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. All offices are expected to maintain coverage during those hours. Offices which have sufficient coverage are encouraged to remain open during the lunch hour. 

IV. Possible variations in the use of flextime: Compressed workweek

Variable work hours - other than 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. 
Four 10 hour days with one day off during the workweek. 
Four 9 hour days and one 4 hour day, allowing for one afternoon off during the workweek.

V. Potential Benefits

  1. Improves employee morale, job satisfaction, attendance and productivity.

  2. Increases coverage by extending service hours.

  3. Reduces overtime cost because of extended coverage. 

  4. Reduces tardiness and paid time off because employees have more flexibility in scheduling personal appointments, handling transportation of heavy traffic problems, dropping children off at school, etc.

  5. Promotes cross-training for employees who may be covering for other flextime personnel.

  6. Excellent recruitment and retention tool. Studies indicate that organizations who advertise flextime schedules have a greater recruitment pool and employee retention than those who do not offer the option.

  7. Employees see flextime as a great tool to help balance their work/life demands.

VI. Procedures/Requirements for Flextime

The university's core business hours during the standard workweek are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. During the summer term business hours are 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday throught Friday. Offices must be appropriately staffed and open for business during these hours before flextime can be considered an option. If a flextime position becomes vacant, the position will revert back to regular working hours. 

  1. A formal written request must be submitted by a nonexempt, regular, full-time employee to their immediate supervisor, seeking permission to use flextime .
  2. Upon presentation of the request, it must be approved/disapproved within two workweeks.

  3. The "Flextime Understanding" should be filled out and signed by the employee and supervisor and one copy given to the employee, one copy on file with the employee's departmental file and one copy forwarded to the Department of Human Resources.

  4. A supervisor or employee has the right to terminate the agreement made in the Flextime Understanding and Request at any time if it appears that flextime is no longer in the best interest of the department or university, or fits the needs of the employee. It is recommended that appropriate notice of at least two weeks be given to the employee(s) or supervisor, unless unusual circumstances prevent giving notice.

  5. A review of the flextime agreement will be conducted after a predetermined length of time.

  6. It should be clearly noted that break periods cannot be considered when developing a flextime schedule (e.g. an employee cannot choose to work through two 15 minute breaks and use this 30 minutes of time to leave early).

  7. Employees using flextime should be willing to be flexible about their schedule if the department's needs so require.

  8. It is the supervisor's responsibility to ensure flextime does not have a negative impact on customer service or departmental/university needs.

  9. Worker's compensation will apply to accidents/injury sustained "in the course and scope of employment."

  10. Rate of pay and benefits will not be affected by flextime.

Updated in 2024, to reflect summer hours, FLSA changes, and minor formatting changes.
