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University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  New Vendor Setup

Date Approved:  

Procedure Category:  Procurement

Date Effective:  February 1, 2018

Policy Authority:

Date Last Revised:  March 12, 2018

Approval Authority:  

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Director of Procurement and Materials Management


1. Purpose/Scope

The Office of Procurement and Materials Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining vendor profiles in Banner. A permanent vendor setup, which includes receipt of the completed Vendor Information Form and W9 before a payment or purchase order can be issued except in the following situations:

• Medical Payments*
*Medical Payments only require a W9

A Vendor Information Form must be completed:

• If the payment request does not meet the above criteria
• To add a vendor to Banner
• To update vendor information (i.e. address corrections, etc.) on existing vendor profiles

It is the responsibility of campus departments to look-up vendor identification numbers in Banner

2. Instructions for Form Completion

The vendor set-up process must be initiated by a campus department.

Step 1: Download the Vendor Information Form found on the home page of the procurement website.

Step 2: Send the form to the vendor, asking them to complete and return the form along with their completed and signed W9 to Alternatively, the form can be mailed to:

University of Central Missouri
Procurement and Materials Management
415 E Clark Street, Suite 116
Warrensburg, MO 64093

The University will not disclose the vendor’s TIN without the vendor’s consent to anyone outside the University except as mandated by law.

Step 3: The Office of Procurement and Materials Management will perform the following functions before processing the form:

• Ensure the form(s) are completed and signed
• Validate the tax identification number with the IRS database
• Ensure the vendor is not listed on any excluded parties lists

• Perform other actions deemed appropriate by University or State policy

Once validated, the information will be entered into Banner and a vendor number will be assigned. Processing is handled on a first-in basis.

3. Instructions for Vendor Address Changes

If a vendor’s address needs updated and the vendor information form and/or W9 has not been provided within the past three years, the vendor will have to complete the Vendor Information Form and return along with their W9 to the procurement office.

Banner Vendor ID and Address Query

The Vendor Maintenance Form in Banner (FTMVEND) allows you to look up a vendor (permission based). Search for a vendor using the vendor’s full or partial name. FTMVEND displays vendor information including vendor’s address, phone number, and fax number.

Search for a vendor using FTMVEND/FTIIDEN

Step 1: Type FTMVEND in the Go To Field and press enter.

Step 2: Click the Search button, located next to the vendor field. This opens the Entity Name/ID Search Form

Step 3: Click the Cancel Query button.

Step 4: Click the Rollback button.

Step 5: Clear the Vendors check box.

Step 6: Select the All check box.

Step 7: To search by vendor, type the vendor’s name or partial, using the wild cards % as necessary. This field
is case sensitive.

Step 8: Click the Execute Query button.

Step 9: Click the appropriate vendor ID in the query to highlight it.

Note: If you cannot find the vendor in the system, please contact Accounts Payable for assistance.

Step10: Click the Exit button to return to the main menu.
