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1.2.110 Immunization Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Immunization Policy

Date Approved:  June 27, 1990

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - University Operation

Date Effective:  June 27, 1990

Policy Number:  1.2.110

Date Last Revised:  October 25, 2019

Approval Authority:   Board of Governors

Review Cycle:  Five Years

Responsible Department:  Office of General Counsel



The purpose of the immunization policy is to protect the health of the university community.


A. Immunizations. Students and employees must meet the immunization requirements for Measles, Mumps, Rubella, and Meningococcal Disease as set forth below.

1. A copy of an immunization record documenting the vaccines is required. Examples of acceptable medical documents include:

a. copies of personal immunization records or baby book records;
b. copies of physician office or Health Department immunization records;
c. copies of high school or previous college immunization records; or
d. copies of medical records from personal health provider or hospital.

2. Persons who object to immunizations due to religious or philosophical reasons or who have a medical reason for not being able to receive these immunizations will need to complete an Immunization Exception Form. Students may obtain the form from the Student Health Center (call 660-543- 4770), employees should contact Human Resources.

B. Measles, Mumps, Rubella Immunization Requirement. All on-campus students, faculty members and staff members born on or after January 1, 1957, must comply with the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) immunization policy, which requires two doses of the MMR vaccine if obtained prior to age 18. If obtained during childhood, the first vaccine or combination MMR vaccine must have been given at age 12 months or later, and the second MMR vaccine must have been administered at least 28 days after the first one. If obtained after age 18, students must have had two doses at least 28 days apart and employees must have had at least one dose.

1. If immunization documentation regarding measles, mumps, and/or rubella cannot be found, the individual needs to either:

a. Provide documentation of blood titer results showing immunity to measles (rubeola), mumps and rubella;
b. provide medical provider documentation of an active case of measles, mumps and rubella disease; or
c. if meeting the student requirement, obtain two doses of the MMR immunization at least 28 days apart or, if meeting the employee requirement, obtain one dose of the MMR immunization.

C. Meningococcal Disease. All students living in University-owned Housing must have received a meningococcal vaccine given on or after the student’s 16th birthday, either Men ACWY (Menactra, Menveo) or MPSV4 (Menomune).

D. Tuberculosis Screening. All on-campus students, faculty members and staff members must complete the University’s tuberculosis screening questionnaire and include the required documentation noted on the questionnaire when returning it to the Health Center (students) or Human Resources (employees).

E. Study/Travel Abroad Screening Requirements. All students, faculty members and staff members participating in a university-sponsored study/travel abroad program must complete the University’s tuberculosis screening questionnaire again upon completion of travel.

F. Non-Compliance. For students not complying with the policy, a hold will be placed on the next semester's enrollment until all requirements are met. For faculty and staff members not complying with the policy, the hiring process may not be completed and/or the university may suspend their employment until all requirements are met.


A. In consultation with the Office of General Counsel, the University Health Center will maintain a tuberculosis screening questionnaire that is consistent with CDC guidelines and legal requirements. This questionnaire may change from time to time, as the CDC updates its recommendations.

B. All incoming freshmen and transfer students and new employees will complete the applicable University of Central Missouri Mandatory Immunization documentation from the Health Center (for students) or Human Resources (for employees), and attach copies of appropriate medical documentation. These forms will be developed in consultation with the Office of General Counsel.

C. Human Resources (for employees) and the Health Center (for students) will review the documentation to ensure requirements are met.

Approved by the Board of Regents on June 27, 1990
Approved by the Board of Governors on December 13, 2002
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
Approved by the Board of Governors on April 26, 2019.
Approved by the Board of Governors on October 25, 2019.
