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3.1.050 Educational Business Activities Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Educational Business Activities Policy

Date Approved:  Approved by the Board of Regents on April 20, 1988
Approved by the Board of Governors on May 9, 2003
Formatting updated August 1, 2007

Policy Category:  Academic Affairs

Date Effective:  

Policy Number:  3.1.050 

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department


I. Purpose

The purpose of the “Educational Business Activities Policy” is to set forth the prerequisite conditions that must exist for educational business activities to be created and operated to serve the academic community.

The primary mission of the University of Central Missouri is the creation and dissemination of knowledge. To carry out this mission, it is often desirable for the institution and its affiliated units to charge fees for providing goods and services that enhance, promote, or support instructional research, public service, and all other educational and support functions in order to meet the needs of the students, faculty, staff and members of the public participating in institutional events. Educational business activities shall be established and carried on only when consistent with the university's mission and this policy.

Persons proposing or providing educational business activities must be aware that if revenues are not related to the university's mission these revenues may be considered unrelated business income.

II. Policy

A. Each educational business activity shall meet the following three conditions:

  1. The activity is deemed to be an integral part in the fulfillment of the institution's educational, research, public service, and campus support activities, without regard to income.

  2. The activity is needed to provide an integral good or service at a reasonable price, on reasonable terms and at a convenient location and time.

  3. The activity is carried out for the primary benefit of the campus community, but the public may benefit as well.

B. Complaints that an educational business activity does not conform to this policy should be directed to the vice president for academic affairs.
