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Wireless Connectivity

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Wireless Connectivity

Date Approved:  Approved by the President on April 7, 2006

Procedure Category:  Technology

Date Effective:  

Policy Authority:  1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Office of Telecommunications


I. Purpose

This document defines UCM’s guidelines for the implementation of wireless technology as a major expansion of the university’s network infrastructure.

II. Wireless Technology

All wireless technology on campus will be compatible with the campus network infrastructure. Wireless technology can be defined within different categories of wireless service currently in existence at UCM: 

Category One- general-use wireless implementations

Category Two- limited-use, department-specific wireless implementations

Category Three- wireless installations in student residence halls.

A. In Category One, general-use wireless services should be consistent across campus and centrally supported via the Office of Telecommunications as a component of the campus infrastructure. Category One wireless technology should provide for seamless operation and consistent functionality and capacity from a user’s perspective, i.e. the user should not have to change methods for connecting via wireless depending on the campus area where user is physically located.

B. In Category Two, department-specific, limited-use services must be compatible with the campus infrastructure and will be subordinate to Category One wireless devices. Category Two devices must not interfere with Category One wireless installations, and must be implemented under the "Use, Acquisition and Support of Technology Procedure." Category Two services also should not be targeted to more than limited subgroups of users. If the need for services exceeds this limit, the issue should be brought forward to request central support for a Category One wireless service.

C. Category Three wireless installations must not interfere with Category One or Two services and must not obstruct the activities of other students.

III. Adding/Expanding Wireless Areas

Requests for new general use wireless services should be made to the Office of Telecommunications. Like expanding any technology service, progress can be made only as resources are available. Commitment of the Office of Telecommunication’s expansion funds will be targeted first to areas where it will produce the maximum advantage to UCM as a whole in its primary mission. Departments/units willing to fund all or part of the initial cost of establishing a general use wireless service will be given priority consideration for on-going central support funding.
