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Grievance Procedure

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Grievance Procedure

Date Approved:  Revised and approved by the President on March 25, 2015

Procedure Category:  

Date Effective:  

Policy Authority:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Department of Human Resources


I. Application of Procedure

The university recognizes the right of all current staff (faculty and students refer to other procedures) to appeal decisions affecting them and to express their grievances and seek a solution concerning disagreements which arise regarding an alleged violation, or the application or interpretation of the Board of Governors Policy Manual, or violation of other university policies and/or procedures.

If the issue involves allegations of discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct  or retaliation in violation of the university’s discrimination/harassment/retaliation procedure, those procedures must be used.

II. Use of Procedure

If the employee is not satisfied with the results of informal resolution, a formal grievance/appeal may be submitted according to the procedure set forth below. All parties are expected to make a good-faith effort to resolve grievances at each step of the process.

If an employee believes that his or her immediate supervisor (the person the employee directly reports to) has taken a grievable action and the employee elects to utilize this procedure, the employee should attempt to informally resolve the issue with that supervisor. If an informal attempt at resolving an issue is unsuccessful, a formal grievance may be submitted. All formal grievances must follow the order of steps for grievance resolution.

III. Time Limits

Timely submission of and timely response to grievances is crucial to the grievance resolution process. Formal (written) grievances must be submitted to the grievant’s human resources generalist in the Department of Human Resources within ten (10) business days after the employee first had knowledge of the circumstances on which the grievance/appeal is based or after the informal process. At each step of the grievance process, the individual(s) responsible for reviewing the grievance will meet with the employee to discuss the matter, will conduct any necessary or appropriate investigation and will make a written determination within five (5) business days of receipt of the written grievance. Appeal to the next step of the process must be submitted within five (5) business days of receipt of the prior written response. All time limits may be extended with advance coordination with the human resources generalist. No grievance may be filed by persons whose employment at UCM has ended.

NOTE: Employees recommended for termination should refer to the university’s Progressive Discipline Procedures, (Employees Recourse) if they wish to request a review of their termination.

IV. Documentation

The grievant is responsible for providing documentation to support the grievance. This documentation should be attached to a "Grievance Form" which provides a tracking mechanism throughout the grievance process. Written determinations will be part of the grievance file.

V. Steps to Resolution

Step 1: Informal Resolution- with appropriate (usually lowest level possible) supervisor.

Step 2: Formal Resolution – the employee must file a completed "Grievance Form" with their human resources generalist. The generalist will forward the grievance to the appropriate level for action.

Step 3: Department Director/Chair – consult with the director of human resources or designee.

Step 4: Vice President

Step 5: President 

The President's decision is final.
