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2.1.090 Personal-Leave Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   Personal-Leave Policy

Date Approved:  Agreed to by the Board of Governors on July 17, 2008
Effective August 1, 2008
Ratified by the Board of Governors on September 17, 2008

Policy Category:  Board of Governors -  Employment Terms, Classifications, and Benefits

Date Effective:  August 1, 2008

Policy Number:  2.1.090  

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department


I. Purpose

The purpose of the “Personal-Leave Policy” is to provide University of Central Missouri employees with a means other than vacation and sick leave to take leave for personal reasons. This policy is not intended to supplement employees’ vacation leave and therefore personal leave should not be taken immediately prior to vacation leave or immediately following vacation leave unless it is being used for approved short-term, long-term or FMLA leave.

II. Policy

A. All regular, full-time employees of the University of Central Missouri (faculty, professional staff, support staff and bargaining unit) will be awarded one day (8 hours) per fiscal year of personal leave.

B. One day may be used per fiscal year for personal reasons. Personal days cannot be accumulated from year to year. Personal leave is subject to advance supervisory approval, when possible, based solely upon work needs (as opposed to the validity of the reason for absence).

C. Approved leave as set out in Human Resources“410 Bereavement Leave” and “409 Legal Proceedings and Voting” is not included in this policy and does not affect personal leave.

D. Faculty members may qualify for various academic leaves based on their particular circumstances. Policies and procedures regarding academic leaves can be found in Academic Policies and Procedures.

E. There is no remuneration of unused personal leave when an employee resigns, retires or is terminated. Unused personal leave will not be converted into vacation or sick leave and may not be donated to the crisis leave pool.

Personal-Leave Procedures

Procedure Name:  Personal-Leave Procedures Date Approved: Approved by the President on March 24, 2015. 
Procedure Category:  Personnel Date Effective
Policy Number:  2.1.090 Date Last Revised:
Approval Authority:  University President Review Cycle
Responsibility:  Director of Human Resources  


Personal leave is provided for personal reasons that would not fall under the sick-leave or vacation-leave policies.

B. Beginning July 1 of each fiscal year an employee may use one day (8 hours) of personal leave.

C. Personal leave must be requested in advance of the leave unless the absence is evaluated by the supervisor as being due to an emergency. Approval/disapproval by the supervisor is based on scheduling reasons and not on the reasons for the leave.

D. Personal leave does not constitute hours worked in calculating overtime pay for nonexempt employees.

E. Employees must report personal leave by using the approved university method. If an employee does not have personal leave available, absences shall be charged against earned vacation leave (if eligible for vacation), with prior supervisory approval. If no vacation leave is available then time shall be unpaid. Exempt empoyees must submit requests only in half- or whole-day increments. Nonexempt employee requests for leave must be in fifteen-minute increments.

F. Unused personal leave does not carry over from year to year.
