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Procurement of Hardware and Software Procedures

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Procurement of Hardware and Software

Date Approved:  

Procedure Category:  Procurement, Technology

Date Effective:  

Policy Authority:  Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department:  Director of Procurement and Office of Technology


Purchasing Hardware

All technology purchases at the University of Central Missouri must be approved by the Office of Technology.

The process for procuring hardware is as follows:

Users may browse the Recommended Hardware Menu, and then contact the Technology Support Center at to initiate their ordering process with the Office of Technology.  The Technology Support Center will provide the requestor with a work ticket number, and then that work ticket is routed within the Office of Technology (OT) to appropriate OT staff members.

OT staff members will use the information submitted on the form to create a cart in UCMarket.  That cart will contain everything necessary to complete the installation of the device/package that was requested.  When the cart is complete, it will be assigned to the individual within the requestor's department who is responsible for placing orders in UCMarket.

The individual placing the order in UCMarket should make no changes to the cart.  If there is a problem with the cart, the individual should send an email to the TSC referencing their concerns/questions, and include the work ticket number for the order.  An OT staff member will then work with the individual ordering the equipment to re-submit the cart for final order placement.

If you have any questions about this process, please contact the Technology Support Center at or 660-543-4357.

Purchasing Software

All software purchases at the University of Central Missouri must be submitted for Office of Technology Approval through the procurement process. 

This process applies to New Software, Renewal Software, Subscriptions, Domains (new and renewals), and anything that requires an End User License Agreement (EULA).

If you are looking at software for your office or classroom at UCM, please check the Site-Licensed Software list to see if UCM has the application that will meet your needs.

Procurement Process

 New Software and Renewals for Software

Step 1: Prepare Requisition

Prepare a requisition for new and renewal software purchases through UCMarket using the following account and commodity codes:

  • Account Code: 733050 (renewal &/or maintenance) Commodity Code: 920-45
  • Account Code: 750936 (new software) Commodity Code: 205-73

Step-by-step guide to creating your software requisition in UCMarket

Step 2: Attach Documentation

Attach the quote and applicable license agreement to that requisition and submit the requisition for approval.

Step 3: Submit for Approval

Submitting your requisition for approval in UCMarket will route it through the Office of Technology for approval. The Office of Technology will review your requisition and contact you if there are any questions about your purchase. If the software is deemed non-compatible with the campus infrastructure, the requisition will be returned to you with an explanation. Note: The Technology Support Center will also create a ticket for the installation of your software at this point, and will send you some questions regarding the installation locations for your software purchase.

Step 4: End User License Agreement (EULA)

Once the requisition appears in the Procurement Queue in UCMarket, the Office of Procurement will work with the Office of General Counsel for review and approval of the End User License Agreement and any other required legal documents. Note: If the vendor does not accept the revised terms and conditions and this procurement is necessary for the department’s operations, an email (and signature on the EULA) will be required from either the Dean or the Vice President of that area before the purchase order can be created.

Step 5: Purchase Order and Key Codes

Procurement will create the purchase order and request that all key codes and/or other electronic media is sent to Should the department receive the key codes directly, the department will need to forward the information to NOTE: If you have not received key codes (if applicable) two weeks after the PO is issued, please contact the TSC with your ticket number to notify that the key codes have not been received.
