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Click to print this page Use of Tobacco Policy (Effective January 1, 2014)

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Use of Tobacco Policy 

Date Approved:  April 30, 2015 

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - University Operation

Date EffectiveJanuary 1, 2014

Policy Number:

Date Last Revised:  November 16, 2012

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors 

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department



The purpose of the University of Central Missouri (UCM) "Use of Tobacco Policy" is to promote the health of the university community, to preserve and protect university property and to provide a respectful, clean and safe environment to study, work and learn.


  1. Tobacco use is prohibited at the University of Central Missouri.
  2. Any exceptions to the prohibition of tobacco by the University of Central Missouri shall be set out in the University Guidelines and Procedures: “Use of Tobacco Guidelines.”
  3. The university president shall be responsible for preparation of rules, procedures, guidelines and regulations necessary to carry out the Board of Governors “Use of Tobacco Policy.”  The president shall make all decisions concerning the day-to-day operations and control of tobacco at the University of Central Missouri.
  4. The university president may delegate responsibility to various campus administrators regarding the review and implementation of the “Use of Tobacco Guidelines.”   


Tobacco – encompasses all tobacco products (traditional cigarettes, e-cigarettes, pipes, cigars, hookah, water pipes, and all other forms of smoke-generating products, chew snus, snuff, etc.) or any nicotine delivery method not approved by the U. S. Food and Drug Administration as nicotine replacement therapy.

Use of Tabacco Guidelines


Procedure Name:  Use of Tabacco Guidelines Date Approved:  April 30, 2015
Procedure Category:   University Operation Date Effective:  April 30, 2015
Policy Number: Date Last Revised:  
Approval AuthorityBoard of Governors Review Cycle:
Responsibility:  Provost, the appropriate vice president and the UCM campus community.  


A. Implementation:

UCM’s "Use of Tobacco Policy" will engage the UCM community in creating a culture of policy compliance. An intensive educational plan for general community members will be undertaken.

B. Community compliance:

Community compliance will be implemented through a specially trained group of faculty, staff and students, trained in the best practices for bystander intervention to establish this Policy as a cultural change. Using scripted messages, bystanders will courteously remind anyone violating the Policy that the university prohibits the use of all Tobacco products.

The training will include actions to be taken in a situation where the Tobacco user does not comply or becomes belligerent. If this happens, the bystander will be instructed to call or text the Department of Public Safety (Public Safety), which will attempt to achieve compliance. If the person does not comply, Public Safety will complete a report and send a copy of the report to the appropriate area. If the individual is a visitor, Public Safety may ask them to leave the university. Additionally, if a person is non-compliant in a residential area, Residence and Greek staff members may write a violation report as per Policy.

C. Use of Tobacco Rules at the University of Central Missouri

  1. Tobacco use is prohibited in all university-owned, leased or controlled buildings and residences.

  2. Tobacco use is prohibited in all outdoor areas of UCM campuses (); provided, however, tobacco use is allowed in personal vehicles, at the Keth Memorial Golf Course, and in designated parking lots during designated events such as commencement, sporting or performing arts events.

  3. Additionally, Tobacco use specifically is not allowed in university vehicles.

  4. Students, faculty and employees will be provided, upon request, assistance with identifying tobacco cessation resources, including free information and access to low-cost referral programs, through appropriate campus resources determined by UCM.

  5. UCM has a clear expectation for compliance with all university policies. These expectations are the same for Tobacco use. This policy applies to all members of the university community defined to include all faculty, staff, students, visitors and contractors. The success of this policy depends on the thoughtfulness, consideration and cooperation of smokers and nonsmokers. The university community shares in the responsibility for adhering to and enforcing this policy. Authority for enforcement of this policy is ultimately vested with the provost and the appropriate vice president.

  6. The sale or free distribution of Tobacco products is prohibited on university- owned, leased or controlled premises.

  7. Tobacco advertisements in university-owned publications and media are prohibited.

  8. Tobacco use may be permitted for controlled research, educational or religious ceremonial purposes, with prior approval of the appropriate senior administrator.
  9. The provost or appropriate designee will make provisions for periodic review and critical evaluation of procedures related to this policy.

UCM’s Tobacco Cessation Resources


Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors April 30, 2015
Revised and Approved Paragraph III. 2. by the Board of Governors August 23, 2013
Revised and Adopted by the Board of Governors November 16, 2012. Policy becomes effective January 1, 2014 (soft enforcement), full enforcement of Policy July 1, 2014.

Policy Revised and Adopted by the Board of Regents March 17, 1993
Implementation Date for Revised Policy: July 1, 1993
Revised and Approved by the Board of Governors on May 18, 2005
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
