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1.1.060 Emeritus Status for Members of the Board of Governors

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Emeritus Status for Members of the Board of Governors

Date Approved:  August 21, 2002

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - Board Operation

Date Effective:  

Policy Number:  1.1.060

Date Last Revised:  August 1, 2007

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department



The University of Central Missouri appreciates the service of those individuals who honorably serve the university as a member of the Board of Governors. To express this appreciation, the University of Central Missouri bestows special recognition in the form of emeritus status to individuals meeting the criteria contained in this policy.

Policy Statement

The Board of Governors may bestow emeritus status upon its members at its discretion. The guidelines listed below will be used by the board in its deliberations to bestow emeritus status.

A. Emeritus status may be bestowed upon those members of the Board of Governors who:

  1. successfully complete their appointed term on the Board of Governors or

  2. leave their position on the Board of Governors in good standing, having served the university faithfully and honorably.

B. Emeritus status carries with it certain privileges. Emeriti board members may:

  1. receive a complimentary university identification card which will grant emeriti board members access to facilities and activities on the same basis as active board members

  2. remain on mailing lists in the Office of the President to receive special mailings and invitations

  3. request complimentary copies of the weekly newsletter produced by the Office of Communications and Creative Services by contacting that office

  4. receive invitations to various special events

  5. retain their automobile parking tags on a complimentary basis


The assistant secretary to the Board of Governors for procedural matters will maintain a list of all former Board of Governors (Regents) members holding emeritus status. This listing will be used to include emeriti board members and their spouses in various campus activities and communications.

Approved by the Board of Governors on August 21, 2002
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
