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1.2.100 University Holidays

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  University Holidays

Date Approved:  October 21, 1981

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - University Operation

Date Effective:  2007

Policy Number:  1.2.100 

Date Last Revised/Reviewed:  April 2024

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle: 5 Years

Responsibility: Policy Director, Office of General Council 



The University of Central Missouri will recognize specific holidays each year to maintain a routine schedule for faculty, staff and students.


Holidays recognized by the University of Central Missouri shall be New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, and seven additional days to be determined and announced at the beginning of each fiscal year by the president of the university.


Additional holidays may be recommended by the president of the university for approval by the Board of Governors.

Holiday Leave Reporting Examples

Full-time Nonexempt employees should follow the examples below when reporting holiday hours and time worked for holidays.  Supervisors are responsible for verifying the time has been reported accurately before approving the time sheets for their employees.

Employee is not scheduled to work on a holiday and does not work on the holiday.  They will enter 8 hours of holiday pay for that day.

Employee is not scheduled to work on a holiday, is called in to work, and works a full shift.  They will make two entries for that day on their time sheet.  8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours of holiday worked pay.  They will receive 8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours at 1 ½ times for actually working on the holiday.

Employee is not scheduled to work on a holiday, is called in to work, and works 4 hours.  They will make two entries for that day on their time sheet.  8 hours of holiday pay and 4 hours of holiday worked pay.  They will receive 8 hours of holiday pay and 4 hours at 1 ½ times for actually working on the holiday.

Employee is scheduled to work on the holiday.  They will make two entries for that day on their timesheet.  8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours of holiday worked pay.  They will receive 8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours at 1 ½ times for actually working on the holiday.

Employee works in a department that remains open over the holiday.  The department can flex the holiday or holidays with their employees (employee & department select a new holiday for that employee).  When you flex your holiday you will enter regular hours on the day that you work and you will enter holiday pay on the new holiday you have selected.  If the employee is called in to work on their new holiday they have selected then they would have two entries for that day.  8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours of holiday worked pay.  They will receive 8 hours of holiday pay and 8 hours at 1 ½ times for actually working on the holiday.

Example:  Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday on January 18th.  Employee is scheduled to work on January 18th and have selected January 11th as their flex holiday.  On January 11th the employee will enter 8 hours of holiday pay and on January 18th the employee will enter 8 hours of regular pay.  If the employee would get called in to work on January 11th  for 3 hours they will enter 8 hours of holiday pay and 3 hours of holiday worked pay.

Flex holidays must be taken in the pay period directly proceeding or following the actual holiday.

Paid time off for the holidays is counted as hours worked for the purpose of determining overtime for non-exempt employees. 

To be eligible for holiday pay, non-exempt employees must have completed five (5) calendar days of service and have worked or been on paid leave their entire scheduled shift immediately prior to and following the holiday.  If employee is regular part-time and transfers to full-time they are eligible for the holiday pay in their new full-time position without satisfying the five day rule (temporary employees who become full-time are not eligible).    

Under no circumstances should HOW (Holiday Worked) be reported in a shift that is not accompanied by HOL (Holiday) hours.  Employees are eligible for HOW only if they receive HOL in the same shift.

Employees on Worker’s Compensation or personal unpaid leave the day before or after a holiday cannot switch to paid status by using vacation or sick leave in order to become eligible.

Regular employees who occupy a .80 to .99 FTE position will receive the same holiday benefits on a pro-rated basis. A .80 FTE employee normally works 6.4 hours per day and should only claim 6.4 hours of holiday.  Employees occupying less than a .80 FTE are not eligible for holiday pay. 

If an employee is on vacation when a holiday is observed, the day may be excluded when calculating the number of vacation days used.

Approved by the Board of Regents on October 21, 1981
Revised and approved by the Board of Governors on January 17, 2001
Formatting updated August 1, 2007 
