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1.2.090 Naming Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:  Naming Policy

Date Approved:  February 17, 1988

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - University Operation

Date Effective:  February 17, 1988

Policy Number:  1.2.090  

Date Last Revised:  December 7, 2018

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors  

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department:  Office of the President



This policy is intended to standardize and clarify the way in which the University of Central Missouri names facilities, academic programs, and endowments. For purposes of this policy, “facilities” shall include any university property including but not limited to buildings, structures, roads, or other similar features. “Academic programs” shall include without limitation colleges, schools, centers, institutes, and departments. “Endowments” shall include gifts seeking to provide a permanently funded opportunity for chairs, professorships, administrators, fellowships, or scholarships.


  1. As a general policy all university student use buildings should be assigned a distinguishing name other than a "use" designation.
  2. One name only should be assigned to a single purpose building. Multi-wing buildings and buildings clearly designed and divided for major separate disciplines may be given different names for each such division.
  3. A clearly defined room or special use facility may be given special identification. This would include such units as a large lecture hall, concert hall, gallery, etc.
  4. The Administration Building and the Alumni Memorial Chapel are an exception to paragraph "A" above and should retain the use designation for the duration of their existence. Local tradition and general national practice would support the current building names. In addition, the identification of the use of the buildings is of special importance to the visiting public. Further, if another name were added to the title of the Administrative Building, confusion might be created among the public as well as students because of the presence of Hendricks Hall within the Administrative Building.
  5. It is the intention of the university to utilize naming opportunities to honor benefactors and persons or other parties who have made substantial contributions to the university, its mission, or its positive reputation. Naming opportunities may be sought to recognize:
    1. an individual or individuals deserving special recognition for a significant and substantial financial contribution toward the construction or renovation of a facility or program which otherwise might not be available
    2. a former faculty member or administrator who has provided outstanding service to the university and/or has made important contributions to his/her discipline or area. Only exceptional circumstances would allow the naming of a facility for a current employee
    3. An alumnus or former student who has provided outstanding service to the university and/or has made important contributions in his/her field of endeavor.
    4. a former member of the Board of Regents/Governors who has provided outstanding and distinguished service to the university. Only exceptional circumstances would allow the naming of a facility for a current governor
    5. a business, corporate or foundation entity deserving special recognition for a significant and substantial financial contribution toward the construction or renovation of a facility which otherwise might not be available without that financial contribution
  6. Consideration may be given to naming a facility for an individual or individuals whose service has been related to the use and purpose of the facility.
  7. The university president may establish or require minimum levels of support required for all naming opportunities. The president may delegate this authority to the vice president for university advancement/executive director of UCM Alumni Foundation, but reserves final approval over any revisions or exceptions to such levels. Further, the giving of a minimum amount shall not be deemed automatic entitlement to naming rights; the Board reserves all final approval authority. Physical representations as a component of fundraising campaigns, such as commemorative brick walkways depicting names on each brick, may also be approved by the university president.
  8. In addition to having final approval for naming under this policy, the Board of Governors shall have final authority to make decisions when the university must reexamine whether a current name remains in the university’s best interests. These situations may include, without limitation, decisions whether to eliminate certain naming options, to remove a donor or honoree’s name from a facility when gift intent is not fulfilled, when a facility or program is decommissioned, or in other circumstances at the Board’s sole discretion where removal of the name is deemed to be in the university’s bests interests and is not otherwise specifically prohibited by applicable donor agreement or law.


  1. The university president will inform the campus community of naming opportunities when feasible. The campus community will then have an opportunity to submit suggestions to the university president for naming particular facilities, academic programs, and endowments.
  2. The university president shall consult appropriate on- or off-campus individuals before making a recommendation to the Board of Governors regarding naming or removal of a name.
  3. The university president shall also receive concurrence from the person to be honored before making a recommendation to the Board of Governors. Permission of the nearest relative shall be acquired if the individual being honored is deceased.
  4. The university president shall be directed by the following guidelines when making a recommendation to the Board of Governors:
    1. classroom buildings and administration buildings shall use the term "Building" in the name
    2. residence facilities shall use the term "Hall" in the name
    3. the official name of a facility shall include the full name of the individuals for whom it is named
    4. special use facilities may require creative thinking in arriving at a name but should always be considered within the general tenor of these procedures
    5. all physical space and facilities shall fall under these procedures unless specifically excluded
    6. appropriate recognition, ceremony and publicity shall accompany the naming of a university facility, academic program, or endowment.
  5. The university president may make a direct recommendation to the Board of Governors under exceptional circumstances.
  6. No public communication of a proposed name shall be made until the name is presented for consideration at, or included in the agenda of, an open meeting of the Board of Governors.
  7. The Board of Governors has the right to waive portions of the above policy should circumstances dictate special consideration.

Approved by the Board of Regents on February 17, 1988
Revised and approved by the Board of Governors on May 15, 2001
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
Revised and approved by the Board of Governors on December 7, 2018
