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1.2.210 Presidential Travel and Entertainment Expense Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   Presidential Travel and Entertainment Expense Policy

Date Approved:  April 28, 2017

Policy Category:  Board of Governors – University Operation

Date Effective:  July 1, 2017

Policy Number:  1.2.210  

Date Last Revised:  n/a

Approval Authority:  UCM Board of Governors

Review Cycle:  4 years

Responsible Department:  Office of Finance and Administration


Purpose/Policy Statement

The Board of Governors of the University of Central Missouri, while recognizing the unique role of the president of the university, wishes to ensure oversight, accountability, and fiscal responsibility throughout the university.  The purpose of this policy is to clarify expectations concerning expenditures by the president of the university for travel and entertainment, presidential spousal travel and entertainment expenses, and the reporting of both. 

University president use of funds for travel and entertainment.

The president of the university is frequently called upon to travel, offer hospitality, and entertain guests in conjunction with performing his or her duties to the university and with university business.  All travel and entertainment expenditures made by the president of the university with university funds must:

  • Comply with applicable laws and rules, including university policies and procedures
  • Make efficient and effective use of university funds
  • Further the mission of the university and not be made for private purposes

Expenditures for travel outside of the United States must be approved in advance by the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Administration.

Presidential spousal travel and entertainment expenses.

Where the spouse of the president of the university is required to appear as an official representative of the university, university funds may be used for related travel and entertainment expenses.  Such expenditures must comply with the requirements provided for the university president’s use of funds.  Payment or reimbursement for such expenditures must be documented by providing the following to the University’s Chief Financial Officer:  (1) a business agenda or formal announcement for the program or other event and (2) an explanation of the spouse’s university-related role at the event.  


Annually, within thirty days of the close of the university’s fiscal year, the president of the university will have prepared a report of travel and entertainment expenses for that fiscal year.  The report will include each expenditure exceeding $1,000 that is reimbursed to, or paid on behalf of, the president of the university in relation to travel, hospitality, and entertainment; the report will also include each expenditure exceeding $1,000 reimbursed to, or paid on behalf of, the spouse of the president of the university. The report will be organized in a standard accounting-type format and provide the following information for each expenditure: payee, date, amount, general type, business purpose, any relevant location, and any additional individuals directly benefitting (for example, in cases of expenses for meals or admission to events) from the expenditure. The report may exclude expenses for events hosted by the president of the university for development purposes or to honor university employees or guests at which there are more than ten attendees.  The report will be provided to the Chair of the Committee on Finance and Administration.  The Chair will provide a report annually to the Board. 



This policy applies to travel and entertainment expenses incurred by the president of the university and to presidential spousal travel and entertainment expenses.
