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1.2.130 Alcohol Policy

University of Central Missouri Policy

Policy Name:   Alcohol Policy

Date Approved:  May 17, 1989

Policy Category:  Board of Governors - University Operation

Date Effective:  May 17, 1989

Policy Number:  1.2.130  

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  Board of Governors

Review Cycle:

Responsible Department



The purpose of the policy is:

  1. to promote a safe and healthy environment for all students, faculty and staff

  2. to minimize the risk of injuries to persons or property

  3. to comply with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, and other applicable legislation


A. General:

  1. The University of Central Missouri recognizes its responsibility to foster a learning environment that minimizes the negative impact of high risk alcohol use on student life and academic success. The university further recognizes that care must be taken to allow alcohol only in settings where it is responsible to do so, and to ensure that policies do not result in an atmosphere in which irresponsible or dangerous alcohol use is likely to result.

  2. The university observes and enforces all applicable laws and regulations governing the sale, purchase, distribution, consumption, and possession of alcoholic beverages, and expects that all members of its community adhere to these laws and regulations both on and off campus. University funds may not be used to purchase alcohol. 

  3. The university complies with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989. Annual distribution of alcohol and drug prevention materials to all students, faculty and staff are accomplished through 1) Academic Policies and Procedures, 2) the student handbook, 3) the staff handbook and 4) the annual institutional and financial information publication. The following information is included:

    1. statement of standards of conduct, clearly prohibiting unlawful possession, use or distribution of drugs and alcohol by students or employees on school property or as part of school activities

    2. statement of adherence to all applicable legal sanctions under local, state and federal law for the unlawful possession or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol

    3. description of drug and alcohol counseling, treatment or rehabilitation programs available to students, faculty and staff

    4. description of health risks associated with use of illicit drugs and alcohol

    5. statement of commitment to impose sanctions on students, faculty and staff in violation of the policy, including a description of those sanctions (such as expulsion, termination and/or referral for prosecution)

B. University Housing:

The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted in university-owned housing facilities only where applicable guidelines have been developed and recommended by the respective university housing governing boards, and approved by the president or designee. The guidelines shall clearly specify areas, times and circumstances under which the possession and consumption of alcohol is legal and appropriate and shall fully protect the rights of others.

C. University facilities and grounds:

The possession, consumption or sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted on university property or facilities only where department or office policies and procedures have been approved by the president or designee. Guidelines shall be developed in consultation with all appropriate stakeholders (for example, Public Safety, Meeting and Conference Services, etc.), and shall clearly specify areas, times and circumstances under which the sale, possession and/or consumption of alcohol is legal and appropriate and shall fully protect the rights of others.


This policy will be implemented at the direction of the president. A three person panel, appointed by the president, shall serve as the review and approval authority for those department policies and procedures referenced in the guidelines. It shall be the responsibility of those departments or offices to ensure that policies are developed in compliance with university procedures and guidelines, and that a copy of the most recent revision of all approved alcohol guidelines be made available for public access in the Office of General Counsel, and for posting on the policy web site.

An alcohol task force or coalition (a multi-disciplinary committee appointed by the president and comprised of various members of the university community) will meet as required or called upon to advise the president and university community on issues related to alcohol education programs, policy implementation and enforcement, community relations, and other topics as may arise related to the university’s alcohol policy and programs.

In compliance with the Drug Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989, a bi-annual assessment of the university’s alcohol policy and education and prevention programs shall be conducted, and shall make recommendations to the president and vice presidents to enhance these as indicated. University Health Services is responsible for ensuring the report is produced and submitted for the Strategic Leadership Team review through the appropriate vice president, by July 1 of even years.

Alcohol Guidelines

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Alcohol Guidelines Date Approved:  May 19, 2010
Procedure Category:  University Operation Date Effective:  
Policy Authority:  1.2.130 Date Last Revised:  
Approval Authority:  University President Review Cycle:
Responsibility:  University president, Alcohol Procedures Review Committee, Campus Alcohol Board, all departments or offices with existing alcohol procedures that outline the guidelines for sale, service, possession or consumption of alcohol in and on university facilities and grounds, and all departments or offices desiring to create such guidelines.  


Alcohol Procedures Review Committee - A three-person panel, appointed by the university president which shall serve as the review and approval authority for those department procedures referenced in the guidelines.

Campus Alcohol Board (“C”) - A multidisciplinary committee appointed by the university president and composed of various members of the university community. 


To ensure that department and office procedures are in place outlining guidelines for the sale, service, possession and/or consumption of alcohol in and on university facilities and grounds, and that they are in accordance with Board of Governors Policy 1.2.130. CAB shall provide a template for departments and offices to use to aid them in the development of procedures.

Note: To obtain more information or clarification regarding the development of procedures governing the sale, service, possession or consumption of alcohol in and on university facilities and grounds, as set out in the procedures below, please refer to the Campus Alcohol Board’s website.




A. Departments that require such procedures:

  1. Meeting and Conference Services (“MACS”) guidelines for the sale, service, possession or consumption of alcohol at campus events.
    1. Routine event requests (receptions, dinners, etc.) may be approved at the MACS level, according to approved departmental procedures. MACS routine event agreements include the following important provisions:
      1. All campus events that include alcohol service of any kind must be coordinated through MACS. This includes events held in “department space” such as conference rooms, exhibit spaces, etc.
      2. The university dining services vendor is the only campus entity to hold a liquor license.
    2. Non-routine event requests must be forwarded by MACS through the Campus Alcohol Board for review and recommendations. They will then be forwarded to the approval authority, the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee.
    3.  The university president is the final appeals authority for the decisions made by the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee.
  2. Intercollegiate athletics procedures for tailgating at university athletic events;
  3.  University Housing procedures for the possession and consumption of alcohol in university housing facilities;
  4.  Dining Services procedures for the sale of alcohol at Pertle Springs;
  5.  Summit Center and all other satellite campus facilities located on properties owned or leased by UCM that desire the sale, service, possession or consumption of alcohol be allowed at its location;
  6.  Any department or office requesting permission for the presence or sale of alcoholic beverages in or on campus facilities or grounds including departments and offices located at satellite facilities.

B. Department procedures that govern the sale, service, possession and/or consumption of alcohol on campus grounds shall include:

  1. Clearly specify areas, times, and circumstances under which the sale, service, possession and/or consumption of alcohol is legal and appropriate and shall fully protect the rights of others. When appropriate, it shall be specified that alcohol service will cease at least one hour before the scheduled end of the event.
  2.  Clearly state that the privilege is dependent on adherence to all applicable local, state and federal laws governing the sale, service, possession and/or consumption of alcohol.
  3.  Clearly state the consequences for failure to respect the rights of others and to abide by all applicable local, state and federal laws governing the consumption of alcohol at a public event, as well as state who has the authority to make the determination that a patron has failed to abide by applicable laws and/or departmental procedures.
  4.  Clearly state the consequences for failure to comply with the departmental procedures, and how and by whom the procedures will be enforced.
  5.  Clearly state that the majority of patrons at events at which alcohol will be served must be 21 years of age or older. In addition, alcohol may not be served at student-sponsored events or events whose primary target audience is students.
  6.  Clearly describe the responsibilities of the event host to use the university Dining Services vendor to provide the alcohol service, the expense of which is to be borne by the event host. The number of alcohol service staff required for the event is determined by the vendor based on the estimated number of attendees.
  7.  Clearly state the responsibility of the sales vendor to have trained staff conducting the alcohol sales. (Acceptable training programs include state- or industry-sponsored programs that address all areas of competency, including recognizing fake ID, signs of intoxication, etc.)
  8.  Clearly address the manner in which security will be provided for the event or venue, who will bear the cost, and that the number of security personnel will be determined by the vendor based on the anticipated size and nature of the event.
  9.  Clearly state the responsibility of the department to annually evaluate the departmental procedure. Setting a deadline of July 1 of each year to submit its written evaluation to the Campus Alcohol Board.

C. Annual review process:

  1.  Departments or offices with alcohol procedures must annually evaluate the written procedures using a template made available by the Campus Alcohol Board.
  2.  Annual reviews must be completed and submitted to the Campus Alcohol Board no later than July 1 of each year.
  3.  The Campus Alcohol Board will review all annual procedure evaluations and forward the results of their review with recommendations to the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee by August 1 of each year.
  4.  The Campus Alcohol Board will notify departments and offices of the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee’s approval or denial of submitted procedures.
  5.  The university president is the final appeals authority for all decisions made by the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee.

D. Procedure for requesting significant changes to existing department or office procedures, or to request addition of a new, regularly occurring venue for alcohol sales, service, possession or consumption:

  1.  Departments with existing alcohol procedures which desire to make a change to the existing procedure must submit the draft change to the Campus Alcohol Board for review. The Campus Alcohol Board will forward the request with its recommendations to the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee for approval.
  2.  Departments desiring to introduce a new venue for the regularly occurring sale, service, possession or consumption of alcohol in or on campus facilities or grounds must submit a draft of the proposed procedures to the Campus Alcohol Board for review. The Campus Alcohol Board will forward the request with its recommendations to the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee for approval.
  3.  The Campus Alcohol Board will notify departments and offices of the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee’s approval or denial of all requests in items 1. and 2. above.
  4.  The university president is the final appeals authority for all decisions made by the Alcohol Procedures Review Committee.


University of Central Missouri's Statement on Alcohol

Approved by the Board of Regents on May 17, 1989
Approved by the Board of Governors on April, 2004
Formatting updated August 1, 2007
Approved by the Board of Governors on August, 2012
