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Workers' Compensation

University of Central Missouri Procedure

Procedure Name:  Workers' Compensation

Date Approved Approved by the President on January 1, 2005

Procedure Category:  Benefits

Date Effective:  January 1, 2005

Policy Authority Board of Governors Policy 1.2.040

Date Last Revised:  

Approval Authority:  University President

Review Cycle:

Responsibility:  Director of Human Resources



Workers’ Compensation is a benefit prescribed by state law to ensure medical expenses and compensation is paid to any employee for any injury or illness arising out of and in the course of employment. It also provides death benefits should the injury or disease result in death. Workers’ compensation benefits are administered by the Missouri Office of Administration, Risk Management Section, Central Accident Reporting Office and may be reached at 1-888-622-7694 or 1-573-751-2837.

If an employee is injured at work and the situation is a life threatening emergency, the employee should seek treatment at the nearest hospital emergency room or medical clinic. When the situation is not life threatening, the employee should contact his/her supervisor, who will then contact Public Safety at 660-543-4123. Public Safety will complete an Accident Injury Report and then advise the employee of where to seek treatment, if needed.

Central Missouri has an Early Return to Work Program in place. It and other compensation and work availability questions can be answered by the Office of Human Resources.
