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Different offices on campus may put a hold on your account because you have not provided them with something (forms, official transcripts, money) or because they need to speak with you prior to your enrollment. Most holds prevent further course enrollment. Holds also prevent the ability to drop classes in MyCentral.

If you have a hold and wish to drop a class, you will need to contact your success advisor or the Registrar's Office for assistance.

Be sure to contact them before the drop deadline.

Some holds also block the release of grades, transcripts, and/or diplomas.  It is important to know what the hold is for and which office has placed it on your account.

 Common Holds Include:

Academic Advisement

Some students are required to visit their success advisor prior to enrollment. Find the contact information for your success advisor here

Accounts Receivable

If you owe the University money for books, tuition, fees, library fines, parking tickets, etc. Contact Student Financial Services at 660-543-8266 or in WDE 1100. 


This hold is placed if the university does not have an active, accurate mailing address for a student or if mail is returned to the university as undeliverable. Domestic students can update their address from the MyCentral.  International students must update their address using the form found on this page

Financial Agreement

All students must read and agree to the university's Financial Agreement Statement. This hold is placed by the Student Financial Services Office (660-543-8266, WDE 1100). Students will be prompted to read and agree to this statement once a semester when logging into MyCentral. Once you have read and agreed to the statement the hold will be automatically removed.

Health Center

If you are a student and have not turned in your immunization records go to this page and follow the directions. 

Inactive Student

This hold is applied to:

  • all students who have graduated from UCM,
  • any undergraduate student who has been away from UCM for one or more semesters (not including summers), and
  • any graduate student who has been away from UCM for more than one year.

This hold has no negative impact on former students. This hold does NOT prevent the release of transcripts or diplomas/certificates.  This hold only impacts future enrollment at UCM until a new application is received by UCM.

Students who wish to take additional classes at UCM need to reapply to UCM.  The admitting office (Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate/International Admissions, or Online and Learning Engagement) will remove the hold upon admission. 

  • Students seeking undergraduate admissions can contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office at 660-543-4290 or
  • International Students seeking admission can contact the International Student Services Office at 660-543-4621 or
  • Domestic students seeking graduate admissions can contact the Graduate Studies Office at 660-543-4729 or
  • Students who are non-degree seeking (dual credit, etc.) may contact the office of Online and Learning Engagement at 660-543-4894 or

New Student

This hold is placed on all new students when they are admitted to UCM.  The admitting office (Undergraduate Admissions or Graduate/International Admissions) will remove the hold after the student has attended a campus orientation. 

  • New domestic freshman and transfer students can contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office at 660-543-4290 or for information about orientation or the how to get the hold lifted. 
  • Students seeking graduate admissions or any international students can contact the Graduate and International Student Services Office at 660-543-4621 or for information about orientation or the how to get the hold lifted

How Do I Know if I Have a Hold?

You can check your account for holds on MyCentral under the Noficiations icon. 

If you have a hold, it will tell you the reason for the hold and what restrictions the hold will cause. 

Comprehensive list of all hold types and contact information:

Code Hold Type Hold Placed by Contact Information
AE Accessibility Equipment Hold Office of Accessibility Services Accessibility Services,, 660-543-4221, Union 222
AR Accounts Receivable Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
AD Address Hold Domestic Students: Registrar's Office; International Students: International Center

Domestic students: Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000;

International students: International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800

AH Admissions Hold Office of Undergraduate Admissions Admissions Office,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400
HT Admissions Transcript Hold Office of Undergraduate Admissions Admissions Office,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400
UT Admissions Transcript Hold Office of Undergraduate Admissions Admissions Office,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400
AM AGRI Mid-Program Assessment Agriculture Programs Dr. Kyle Lovercamp,, 660-543-8094, GRIN 126B
AT Athletics Hold Athletics Department Athletics Office, 660-543-4310, MPB 203
SC Attend Enrollment Advising Your academic success advisor Success Advising Center,, 660-543-4721, Union 128
BC Bad Check Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
BD Bad Debt Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
BE Band Equipment Fee Hold School of Visual & Performing Arts School of Visual & Performing Arts, UTT 111, 660-543-4530
CV Civics Exam Hold Testing Services.  Log into Blackboard to take the Civics Exam. Testing Services,, 660-543-4919, HUM 216
CM COMM School Equipment Hold School of Comm., Hist., & Int. Studies Communication Programs, 660-543-4840, Martin 136
CP Counseling Program Hold Counseling Education Program Counseling Education Program, LOV 1338, 660-543-8093
DC MyCentral HS Registration Hold Office of Dual Credit Office of Dual Credit,, 660-543-4876, WS 136
DV Data Verification Hold Registrar's Office Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000
DH Dean's Hold Your college Dean's Office Contact your college Dean's office
DA Delinquent Account Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
EC Delinquent Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Contact ECSI at 1-844-454-6100
HD HDFS MFT Advising Graduate program in Human Development and Family Science: Marriage and Family Therapy Option Dr. Jaimee Hartenstein,, 660-543-8358, University Health Center 101
ES Online and Learning Engagement Hold Online and Learning Engagement Online and Learning Engagement, ,  660-543-4984, HUM 410
FA Financial Agreement Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
FH Financial Hold (E2) Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
RE GR Academic Renewal Contact your School Graduate Coordinator Contact your School Graduate Coordinator
GA Grad-Grad Assistant Hold Graduate Studies Graduate Studies, 660-543-4729, WDE 1900
GI Grad-Graduation Ineligible (Domestic)

Students: Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies, 660-543-4729, WDE 1900

GN Grad-Graduation Ineligible (Int'l) International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
GM Grad-MAT Dept Hold School of Teaching and Learning School of Teaching and Learning, 660-543-4802, LOV 3155
GS  Grad-Special Credit Online and Learning Engagement Online and Learning Engagement, , 660-543-4984, HUM 410
GT  Grad-Transcript Required

International Students: International Student Services (ISS)


Domestic Students: Graduate Studies

International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800


Graduate Studies, 660-543-4729, WDE 1900

PH  Graduate School Program Hold Contact your School Graduate Coordinator Contact your School Graduate Coordinator
HB HB 1549/390 Legal Status Registrar's Office Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000
HC  Health Center Hold University Health Center University Health Center,, 660-543-4770, UHC 229
HH  Honors Hold The Honors College The Honors College,, 660-543-4633, WDE 1900
CL In Collections - Don't Touch Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
IS Inactive Student Hold

If Undergraduate (Domestic): Admissions.

If International (all): International Student Services

If Graduate (Domestic): Graduate Studies

Admissions: 660-543-4290, WDE 1400;

International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800

Graduate Studies, 660-543-4729, WDE 1900

IC International Conditional -IEP International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
IN Visa Presentation Hold International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
II International Ineligible-Graduate International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
LH Legal Hold Office of Student Experience and Engagement (SEE) Office of Student Experience and Engagement,, 660-543-4114, ADM 214
MH Miscellaneous Hold Office of Student Experience and Engagement (SEE) Office of Student Experience and Engagement,, 660-543-4114, ADM 214
NF Needs Financial Aid Authorized Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
NS New Student Hold Admissions Office (placed on all new domestic students and will be lifted after orientation); ISS (for International students)

Admissions Office,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400;

International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800

NH Nursing Hold School of Nursing School of Nursing, 660-543-4775, Dockery 203
NI International Document Upload International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
OG Online Graduate Orientation International Student Services (ISS) International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800
OO Open Options Advising Hold Your academic success advisor Success Advising Center,, 660-543-4721, Union 128
OR Orientation Registration Hold Office of Undergraduate Admissions Office of Admissions,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400
PK Perkins Loan Hold Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
PL Professional Licensure Registrar's Office Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000
PB Previous Balance Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
RP Recovery Program Hold Your academic success advisor Success Advising Center,, 660-543-4721, Union 128
RH Registrar's Hold Registrar's Office Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000
PA Return Check Issued Student Financial Services (SFS) Student Financial Services, 660-543-8266, WDE 1100
MS ROTC Equipment Hold Military Science and Leadership - ROTC ROTC, 660-543-4863, HUM 100
MD School of Computer Science and Mathematics School of Computer Science and Mathematics School of Computer Science and Mathematics, 660-543-4930, WCM 222
GV Sexual Violence Prevention Program Hold Office of Health Promotion Office of Health Promotion,, 660-543-4777
SN Social Security/Name Hold Registrar's Office Registrar's Office,, 660-543-4900, WDE 1000
SS Social Studies Major Hold Dr. Starlynn Nance, faculty advisor Dr. Starlynn Nance,, 660-543-4404, Wood 136
SP Sponsored Programs Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity,, 660-543-4264, ADM 315
SD Student Engagement Discipline Office of Student Experience and Engagement (SEE) Office of Student Experience and Engagement,, 660-543-4114, ADM 214
SW Student Engagement Withdraw Office of Student Experience and Engagement (SEE) Office of Student Experience and Engagement,, 660-543-4114, ADM 214
TC Testing Center Testing Services Testing Services,, 660-543-4919, HUM 216
AG Transcripts for GR Admissions

International Students: International Student Services (ISS)


Domestic Students: Graduate Studies

International Student Services,, 660-543-4092, WDE 1800

Graduate Studies, 660-543-4729, WDE 1900

AC UCM Advantage Program Hold Your academic success advisor Success Advising Center,, 660-543-4721, Union 128
VO Virtual Orientation Program Hold Office of Undergraduate Admissions Admissions Office,, 660-543-4290, WDE 1400
