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Acadeum: Course Sharing Initiative

How It Works

Course sharing is facilitated by the Office of the Registrar and the Success Advising Center.  Course sharing allows students to persist and continue to make progress toward UCM degree requirements. 

In order to be considered eligible to enroll in consortial courses (CC) online through the UCM/Acadeum partnership, students must: 

  • Be enrolled full-time (at least 12 credit hours) at UCM during the academic term in which they are seeking to take an Acadeum course (Acadeum courses will be included in the determination of full-time status); 
  • Be in good academic standing.
  • Must be an undergraduate student with 30 or more credit hours earned. 
  • The course must not be offered at UCM in the online delivery mode in the term requested or the course is full and does not have seats available; 
  • Be in good financial standing with UCM. 

The Registrar’s Office will work with faculty program coordinators and department/school chairs for approval of consortial courses.


Benefits of Participation

UCM’s participation in course sharing is done as a service to benefit students and not delay their educational plans.  UCM departments and faculty see the following benefits:

  1. Increased Success Rates
  2. Program Growth
  3. Section Scheduling  


Student Expectations for Participation

  • Enrollment in Acadeum partnership courses is permitted up to six (6) semester credit hours per academic term. These courses are labeled as ACD in the schedule type.
  • Upon completing each Acadeum course, the Office of the Registrar and Student Records will post the final grade on the transcript. 
  • Repeating courses. Acadeum course grades for a repeated course will be counted as a  grade replacement in UCM GPA calculations. Credit hours will also be counted in the “attempted” and “earned” categories for Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) calculations in both Cumulative and UCM GPA calculations.
  • Students are responsible for adhering to course participation and policies of the teaching institution, which includes logging in on the course start date, submitting assignments, securing textbooks and learning materials, and following through on all required actions as stated on the syllabus and by the teaching institution. 
  • Textbooks for Acadeum courses are not included in the tuition and fees.
  •  UCM will not intervene in grade disputes in cases where a student is dissatisfied with the final grade issued by the teaching institution.
  • Course drop dates are determined by the teaching institution. UCM will not intervene in disputes regarding course drops, withdrawals, and/or refunds in cases where the student did not correspond in time with the teaching institution’s deadlines.

