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Name and Address Changes

Name Changes

In order to change your name at UCM you must submit a Name Change Application and notarized verification(s), i.e. marriage certificate, court document, etc. for consideration.

There are four offices at UCM that process student name changes.

If you are an international student (undergraduate or graduate), your name change is processed by the International Student Services Office  (WDE 1800, 660-543-4092,

If you are a UCM employee (including student workers, undergraduate or graduate), your name change is processed by the Office of Human Resources (ADM 101, 660-543-4255).

If you are a new domestic undergraduate student or a readmitted/reinstated domestic undergraduate student and this is your first semester at or back at the university, your name change is processed by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions (WDE 1400, 660-543-4290).

If you are a new graduate student or a readmitted/reinstated graduate student and this is your first semester at or back at the university, your name change is processed by the International Student Services Office (WDE 1800, 660-543-4621,

If you are a current or former UCM student (not a new student, international student, or a graduate student), your name change is processed by the Office of the Registrar and Student Records (WDE 1000, 660-543-4900,

Address Changes

Students may update their local address (not including campus residence hall information), permanent mailing address, cell phone number, personal email accounts, and emergency contacts at any time in MyCentral. 

Each semester in September and February, students are prompted to confirm their personal information before enrollment in the next term.

Students’ diploma mailing addresses will be collected the term before graduation and is only used to mail the diploma.  

