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Info for Parents

FERPA Information for Families

 Frequently Asked Questions

I had easy access to my student’s school records when they were in high school. Why don’t I have the same access to them at UCM?

Under FERPA, the access rights that parents and legal guardians had in the elementary and secondary school setting are transferred to students once a student is attending any post-secondary educational institution. Age of the student is not a factor.

Can my student grant me or another third party access to his/her educational records?

Yes. Students who wish to give consent for the release of their academic information may fill out an Authorization for Release of Educational Records form and turn it into the Office of the Registrar in the Ward Edwards building, room 1000 (660-543-4900). The form may also be faxed to 660-543-8400 or e-mailed to

This consent will remain active for currently enrolled students until the student requests in writing to have it removed or changed. If a student graduates or leaves UCM, this form will be void.

How does my student learn about his/her grades? Will students be notified if they are put on academic probation or suspended/dismissed from UCM?

Information about grades is available to students in MyCentral. Grade reports are not mailed or e-mailed to students. Students are notified of academic standing via e-mail at the end of each semester if they are not in good academic standing.

Will I be notified if my student is hurt or in danger?

In the event of a potentially life-threatening emergency, FERPA allows parents or guardians to be notified without prior consent from the student. In those rare events, the University will make every reasonable effort to notify parents about the situation. Most situations, however, do not constitute an imminently life-threatening danger and parents would not be contacted without the student’s permission. We urge students to provide the University with emergency contact information. Students may do so in MyCentral.

Will I be notified if my student is in violation of alcohol or controlled substance rules?

FERPA permits a college or university to inform parents of students under the age of 21 when the student has violated any law or policy concerning the use or possession of alcohol or a controlled substance.

Will UCM disclose law enforcement unit records to parents or to the public?

Under FERPA, schools may disclose information from "law enforcement unit records" to anyone - including parents or federal, State, or local law enforcement authorities - without the consent of the eligible student. Many colleges and universities have their own campus security units. Records created and maintained by these units for law enforcement purposes are exempt from the privacy restrictions of FERPA and can be shared with anyone.

Where can I learn more about FERPA?

Read UCM’s detailed guidelines, “Policy Implementing the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act at the University of Central Missouri,” to learn more about how FERPA is handled at UCM. Copies of this document may also be obtained in the Registrar’s Office in Ward Edwards, suite 1000.

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