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Adding/Dropping/Waitlisting Classes

 Tips for Adding and Dropping classes:

Adding Classes

  • Add all of your classes on your Enrollment Access Date . The system is available at 12 am (midnight) on this day. This will ensure the best possible schedule.  Need help adding a class in MyCentral? Click from some navigation tips!
  • When you have completed your schedule, print off a copy for your records or save a copy of your Central Degree Audit. This is your receipt and proof of enrollment.
  • You have access to add classes to your schedule from your Enrollment Access Date through 4 days after the beginning of a full semester or three days after the beginning of a half semester (8-week) course.  If you wish to add a class after this date, you will need permission and enrollment assistance from the school chairperson over the class. If you have a hold on your account you will not be able to enroll in classes. Contact the office that placed the hold for assistance.
  • Make sure that you meet the prerequisites of the course before attempting enrollment.  Prerequisites can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog by choosing the Courses link on the left and then clicking on the course in question. 
  • Not sure what classes to add? Consult your Central Degree Audit, major four year guide, Undergraduate Catalog, and most importantly, your success advisor.
  • Be sure to print a new copy of your schedule or save a new copy of your Central Degree Audit every time you make any changes (adds/drops) and again before the semester starts. You don’t want to show up in the wrong place if your classroom has been changed!
  • After adding classes run a new copy of your Central Degree Audit.  Are the classes showing up where you thought they would count (general education, major requirements, etc.)?  Are they showing up in the “Fallthrough Courses” section near the end of the audit? If so, the class is not counting toward a specific degree requirement and is considered a free choice elective.

Dropping Classes

  • Students who wish to drop all classes for a semester should review .
  • Student can learn about the possible financial impact of dropping a class here.
  • You have access to drop classes through the first 2/3 of the class; Refund dates are available in MyCentral on the Registration card. Make sure you are aware of the drop deadlines and refund deadlines. 
  • Need help dropping a class in MyCentral? Click from some navigation tips!
  • If you have a hold on your account you will not be able to drop a class without assistance. Contact your success advisor or the Registrar's Office by email (from your UCM account) to assist with the drop. If the class is graduate level, contact your program coordinator/faculty advisor or the Graduate Studies office ( or 660-543-4729).
  • After dropping a class, print off a new copy of your schedule or save a new copy of your Central Degree Audit for your records.  This is your receipt and your proof of the drop. 
  • If you drop a course before the 100% refund date for the course, there will be no record of the course withdrawal on your transcript (your permanent academic record).
  • If you drop a course after the 100% refund date for the course, you will receive a grade of "W" (withdrawal) on your transcript (your permanent academic record). A "W" grade has no impact on your grade point average.
  • Does your course drop put you below full time status?  Will this have an impact on your car or health insurance? Will this have an impact on your scholarships or loans? Are you a student who must maintain certain enrollment criteria (student athletes, international students)? Know the consequences of a course drop before you drop the class.
  • Does dropping this class impact future semester enrollments? For example, if you are dropping ENGL 1020 this semester, you cannot take ENGL 1030 next semester. Be sure to explore any long term effects of your course drop.
  • If you are enrolled in a class that has a lecture and a laboratory, you will need to drop both sections of the class.
  • Through the last day to withdraw deadline, students may drop classes in MyCentral.  (Note: student athletes and international students are prohibited from dropping classes below full-time status without permission of their athletic advisor or the ISS office, respectively.)

Late Withdrawal

Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the Registrar's Office for a late withdrawal of a course (not a full schedule).  

For the purposes of a late withdrawal, “extenuating circumstances” are defined as follows:

  • An extended absence due to verifiable accident, illness or personal problem serious enough to cause withdrawal from the university;
  • An extended absence due to a death in the immediate family;
  • An error made by UCM;
  • An unusual or very special case that merits consideration.
  • The following are not considered to be extenuating circumstances:
  • Grade anticipation in class is not sufficiently high, or student is doing failing work (including plagiarism);
  • Thought that the course had been dropped, either by the student or a university employee;
  • Could not drop class due to a hold or was unable to drop online due to other circumstances;
  • Failure to attend class, complete assignments, or take a test;
  • Dissatisfaction with the course material, instructional method, or instructor;
  • Class is harder than expected;
  • Pressure of other classes, employment, and/or participation in extracurricular activities;
  • A change in major;
  • Lack of awareness of the withdrawal deadline or process.

The late withdrawal petition form must be submitted to the Office of the Registrar for processing. If the late withdrawal is granted, a grade of LD will be assigned.   An LD has no impact on GPA.  (An LW is assigned by Student Experience and Engagement if an entire schedule is withdrawn.)

Students are notified of the last day to drop a course well in advance and through multiple contacts (e-mails, MyCentral messages, Facebook/Twitter, etc.).  Petitions for late withdrawals are only approved with supporting documentation of an extenuating circumstance. 

Complete Withdrawals

Through the last day to withdraw deadline, students are allowed to drop classes in MyCentral.  can assist students with the complete withdrawal process.

Students who are completely withdrawing from the University after the withdrawal period must initiate the withdrawal with the Office of Student Experience & Engagement. Staff will assist the student with tying up any loose ends with the university (housing, parking, fees, etc.).  Withdrawals after the W date are by petition only and are for extenuating circumstances such as serious illness, death in the family, or military obligation.  



Tips about Waitlisting classes:

What is a waitlist?

  • The waitlist is not a guarantee that you will get in the course. 
  • If there is an open section of the same course, it is generally better to go with the sure bet (the open class) than to hope for enrollment in the waitlisted section.
  • The waitlist is first-come, first-served. The first student added to a waitlist will be the first person to get a seat when one opens.
  • You cannot be enrolled in one section of a class and waitlist a different section of the same class.
  • You cannot waitlist more than one section of the same class.
  • You cannot waitlist a class that is at the same time as a course you are already enrolled in.
  • You cannot waitlist a class that you do not meet the prerequisites for.
  • If enrollment in the waitlisted class will put you over your maximum hours allowed, you will not be added to the class.
  • Keep track of your waitlisted classes, if you get put into a class from the waitlist you are responsible for paying for the class.  If you never attend, you will get an F in the course.

How to add yourself to the waitlist

  • If you want to waitlist for a course that is closed (designated by a C) you first need to make sure that the class is available to waitlist.  The columns "WL Cap, WL Act, and WL Rem" show the capacity, actual enrollment and remaining seats on a waitlist. If the "WL Rem" is greater than 0, you can add yourself to the waitlist. If the "WL Cap" is 0, the course does not currently offer a waitlist.
  • If there are available seats on a waitlist, write down the 5-digit CRN for the course.
  • Click on the “Add to Worksheet” button at the bottom of the page, then type in the CRN for the closed class and click on “Submit Changes.”
  • The next screen will show you that the class is CLOSED – WAITLISTED (or OPEN – WAITLISTED if someone has dropped the class, but their seat is being held for the first person on the waitlist).
  • Select "Waitlist" in the drop down box under "Action."
  • Click on “Submit Changes” again and you will be added to the waitlist.  Your list of classes on the registration screen will show either REGISTERED or WAITLISTED.
  • To view the courses you have waitlisted, go to the "Student Schedule" link in the "Student Services/Records and Registration" tab in My Central. 
  • Check your campus e-mail account regularly for notification of waitlist activity.  Enrollment from the waitlist is processed by the computer every hour (see details below).  So when someone drops the full class, their seat will appear to be open on the class search screens – however, that seat is really being saved for the first person on the waitlist.

How often does the waitlist run?

The waitlist runs every hour, Monday-Saturday, from 6 am to 10 pm and on Sundays from 12 pm to 10 pm. So if someone drops a class at 6:15 am, that seat will be held until 7 am when it runs again.

Why does the system show a seat available, but I can’t enroll in it? The system tells me it’s closed, but it shows at least one seat open.

If you want to add a class that appears to have one or two seats available, you will want to check first to see if there is a waitlist for that class. If there is a seat open, but a waitlist already in effect (number under WL Act for the waitlist is greater than 0), you will NOT be able to enroll in that seat. You have caught the system at a time when a seat became available prior to the processing of the first person on the wait list.

When will the waitlist be dropped?

For fall and spring full-semester (16-week) classes the waitlist will end at 4 pm on the fourth day of the class.  The waitlist for first and second half semester classes (8-week) will end at 4 pm on the third day of the class. These dates coincide with the last day to add a class and the last day for a 100% refund for the class. 

During the summer semester the waitlist will end at 4 pm on the last day for a 100% refund for the class.

After the above deadlines, if you wish to get into a full class you will need to speak with the school chairperson over the course.  Success advisors and individual instructors do not have the authority to override a full section.  If a school chair gives you permission for a late enrollment, they will need to enroll you in the course.

If you are added to a class from the waitlist, you will receive an e-mail to your UCM account. If you are not added to the class before the waitlist shuts off, you will not be notified. Be sure to check your schedule in MyCentral to confirm your enrollment. Students are responsible for payment and grades in all classes they are enrolled in. Do not assume you will be dropped from a class if you've never attended.

What is my responsibility?

Students waitlisting a course assume responsibility for taking themselves off the wait list if they no longer want to enroll in the course. If you waitlist a course and a seat becomes available, you will automatically be enrolled in the course. If you are registered for a course from the waitlist, an email notifying you of this action will be sent to your university email account.
