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Central Degree Audit


The Central Degree Audit is the University of Central Missouri’s degree audit system. It uses the DegreeWorks software from Ellucian. The Central Degree Audit is a valuable academic planning tool for students and academic advisors. It is personalized to you and contains academic information about your degree, major(s), and minor(s).

The Central Degree Audit gives a complete picture regarding what degree requirements have been met, are in progress of being met, and are remaining. It is a quick tool that can be used to check your progress in your degree program.

Learn more about the Central Degree Audit in our FAQ.

How do I get a copy of my Central Degree Audit?

Students have access to the Central Degree Audit online via MyCentral. 

A new window will open (outside of MyCentral) and your current Central Degree Audit will show on the screen. The audit defaults to the "Student View." You may also choose to show only uncompleted requirements by selecting "Registration Checklist" and clicking the "View" button.

You may choose to save either/both the Student View or Registration Checklist as a PDF (the file will come up as .cgi, change it to .pdf to save). It is recommended that you run and save a copy of your Central Degree Audit prior to enrolling in classes to see what requirements remain unfulfilled, and then again after processing enrollment to make sure what you signed up for is counting where you thought it would. You should keep copies of the Central Degree Audits for your permanent academic files.

What if my Central Degree Audit lists the wrong major?

If your Central Degree Audit lists the incorrect degree, major(s), or minor(s) or catalog year, see the Success Advising Center (660-543-4721, UN 128) to have your curriculum updated. Graduate students should contact the Graduate Studies office at 660-543-4729 and International students should contact ISSS at 660-543-4621.

I am thinking of changing my major or adding a minor? Can I do a "What if" degree audit?

Yes. A "what if" degree audit is run for degrees/majors/minors/catalogs that you are thinking of switching to, but you're not ready to make the actual change yet. The "what if" does not permanently change your declared curriculum; it just shows you what you would need if you were to change your major/minor.

To run a "what if" audit, log into MyCentral and bring up your current Central Degree Audit. Next choose the "What If" option on the left side of the page. Pick your level (typically Undergraduate), degree type, and catalog year. Either use your current catalog year from your existing degree audit or choose the most current catalog year. Choose the major or minor that you want to view. If the major has an area/option, choose that as well. Make sure you read about the major first in the appropriate catalog to see if it has an area/option. 

What do the different symbols on my degree audit mean?

There is a legend at the bottom of your Central Degree Audit that will explain what each symbol means. A green check mark means that a requirement is completed. “IP” denotes “in progress” and will be next to any classes that you are currently enrolled in or are enrolled in for a future semester. An empty box with a red outline indicates that a requirement is not yet completed. The degree audit will tell you what specifically is “Still Needed:” in red text.

If you have any questions regarding how to interpret your Central Degree Audit, please contact the Office of the Registrar and Student Records or the Success Advising Center

What does the catalog year listed on my Central Degree Audit mean?

The course information that is displayed on your Central Degree Audit follows the curriculum (general education, major, minor) from a specific catalog. Most students follow the catalog that was active during their first semester of enrollment at UCM, but students may also choose to update to a more current catalog.

All catalogs older than eight years are expired.  If your degree audit lists an expired catalog year, you should meet with your academic advisor to update to a valid catalog. 


Limitations of the Central Degree Audit

 Students pursuing an individualized major (including General Studies) or minor will not be able to use the Central Degree Audit for the major portion of their curriculum. Instead, you will use the contract developed between you and your advisor or the major/minor school chair.


If you find a discrepancy between what your catalog lists as required in your curriculum and what your Central Degree Audit lists, contact the Registrar’s Office at 660-543-4900 or

