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Repeating a Class


UCM has different repeat policies for undergraduate and graduate coursework. At the undergraduate level the policy applied depends on when the course was last (most recently) taken.

Undergraduate Repeat Policies

Undergraduate Courses Repeated Fall 2015 to Current Term

Any course repeated Fall 2015 or later will have the following repeat rules apply. The policy is applied as follows regardless of the catalog year that the student is following, when the student began at UCM, or when the repeat course was originally taken. 

Students may repeat courses at UCM regardless of the grade initially earned in the course. Ƿɱ𱹱, the most current grade earned will be the one calculated in the grade point average, even if it is not the highest grade.  

For the repeat policy to be implemented, the courses must have the same prefix/number and course content. For courses repeated at transfer institutions, the course(s) must articulate to the UCM course that is being repeated. 

The previously attempted courses will not factor into either the grade point average or earned hours, although all prior grades and credits earned (if applicable) will remain on the transcript as a matter of record. Students should check with departmental policies regarding course repeats which may be more stringent than the university policy. 

The following specific stipulations apply to the above repeat enrollment policy: 

1.  The UCM GPA includes only courses taken at UCM; however it can be impacted by courses originally taken at UCM and then repeated at another institution. For courses taken at UCM and then repeated at another institution the UCM GPA is not impacted by the new grade earned but will be affected by the discounting of the original UCM grade earned. Transfer course work does not impact the cumulative GPA. In order for transfer coursework to be considered as a repeat for a UCM course, the transfer course must be articulated to the UCM course.

2.   For the UCM repeat policy to be applied to transfer courses taken at two or more transfer institutions, each course from each institution must articulate to the equivalent UCM course.

3. Credit hours for repeated courses will be counted only once (from the most recent attempt) in the number of course hours earned toward a degree or certificate. If a student receives a passing grade followed by an F grade, no credit is given for the course and the course must be repeated again, if needed, for the degree or certificate.  

In accordance with federal financial aid regulations, a student may receive assistance to repeat a class once for which a passing grade (defined as a "D" or better) has been previously earned. Students who repeat such courses for a third (or subsequent) time will not qualify for financial aid for the course and may need to add additional courses to reach 12 qualified credit hours  to receive federal financial aid. However, there is no limit on the number of times a student may receive federal assistance to repeat a class (if otherwise eligible to do so) for which a grade of "F" has previously been received.  For more information about financial aid contact the UCM Student Financial Services Office at 660-543-8266. 

Those courses at UCM which are allowed to be repeated for additional credit (such as ART 4010, CJ 4000, ISP 4000, many MUS classes, etc.) are excluded from this new federal financial aid policy. If you have a question about your courses, check the course description in the UCM Undergraduate Catalog to check the number of credit hours a course can be repeated.

Undergraduate Courses Repeated Fall 2011 through Summer 2015

Any course repeated Fall 2011 to Summer 2015 will have the following repeat rules apply. The policy is applied as follows regardless of the catalog year that the student is following, when the student began at UCM, or when the repeat course was originally taken. 

Students may repeat courses at UCM regardless of the grade initially earned in the course.   Ƿɱ𱹱, the most current grade earned will be the one calculated in the grade point average, even if it is not the highest grade.   

This policy applies to courses taken initially at UCM and thenrepeated at UCM; courses taken initially at transfer institutions andthen repeated at UCM; and courses taken initially and then repeatedat the same transfer institution. 

For the repeat policy to be implemented, the courses must have the same prefix/number and course content. 

Repeated courses will not factor into either the grade point average or earned hours, although all prior grades and credits earned (if applicable) will remain on the transcript as a matter of record. Students should check with departmental polices regarding course repeats which may be more stringent than the university policy.  

The following specific stipulations apply to the above repeat enrollment policy: 

  1. Courses taken at Central Missouri and then repeated at another institution will have both grades computed into the cumulative grade point average (the UCM GPA is not affected by course work completed at another institution), but the credit (if earned) will only countfor the first time taken. 
  1. Courses taken at two different institutions other than UCM will have both grades computed into the grade point average, but the credit (if earned) will only count for the first timetaken. 
  1. Repeating a course under the pass/fail option will not negate the initial grade received. 

         4. Credit hours for repeated courses will be counted only once in the number of course hours earned toward a degree.  

Changes in 2012 federal financial aid policy allows students to repeat courses that they previously earned a grade of D or higher in only once. Students who repeat such courses for a third (or subsequent) time will not qualify for financial aid for the course and may need to add additional courses to reach 12 qualified credit hours to receive federal financial aid. For more information about financial aid contact the UCM Student Financial Services Office at 660-543-8266. 

Those courses at UCM which are allowed to be repeated for additional credit (such as ART 4010, CJ 4000, ISP 4000, many MUS classes, etc.) are excluded from this new federal financial aid policy. If you have a question about your courses, check the course description in the UCM  to check the number of credit hours a course can be repeated. 

Undergraduate Courses Repeated Summer 2011 or Earlier


  1. A student receiving a grade lower than a B in an undergraduate course may repeat the course.
  2. If a student takes a course for the first time at UCM and repeats the course at UCM the higher of the two grades will be utilized in computing the grade-point average; however, the lower grade will remain as a matter of transcript record. The credit for the course will only count once in earned hours.
  3. If a student takes a course for the first time at UCM and then later repeats the course at a different institution, both grades will count in the cumulative grade point average (the UCM GPA is not affected by course work completed at another institution). This will have less of an impact on grade point average than the grade replacement. The credit for the course will only count once in earned hours. 
  4. For the repeat policy to be implemented, the courses must have the same prefix/number and course content. 
  5. Courses taken at another institution and subsequently repeated at the same institution are transferred using the same rules applicable for Central Missouri courses - the higher of the two grades will be utilized in computing the grade-point average; however, the lower grade will remain as a matter of transcript record and the credit for the course will only count once in earned hours.
  6. The same course taken at two different transfer institutions will have the grades averaged. The credit for the course will only count once in earned hours. 
  7. A course may be taken more than twice only if a grade of F has been earned both times, unless departmental requirements stipulate otherwise.  Only one attempt will be forgiven.
  8. If two consecutive grades of D are earned, or if two consecutive grades of F are earned, only the second will be used in computing the grade point average.
  9. If it becomes necessary for a course to be taken a third time, the two highest grades will be counted into the grade point average. The credit for the course will only count once in earned hours. Only one grade will be forgiven.
  10. A course may not be repeated for the purpose of raising a grade point average if a more advanced course in a sequence has been completed. (Example: FIN 2801 is a prerequisite in a sequence to FIN 3801. A student takes FIN 2801 and earns a D and then takes FIN 3801 and earns a C. If that student then goes back and repeats FIN 2801 and earns a B, both the D and B will count in their grade point average. The B will not replace the D.) 
  11. Repeating a course under the Pass-Fail option will not negate the initial grade received.
  12. Credit hours for repeated courses will be counted only once in the number of course hours earned toward a degree.

Graduate Repeat Policy 

A graduate student may repeat any course in which a grade of C or lower was earned. Credit hours for repeated courses will be counted only once in the number of credit hours earned toward a degree or certificate. A graduate student must repeat any course taken at UCM for which a grade of D or F was earned when the course is a requirement of the graduate degree/certificate program. A D or F grade in an elective program course does not have to be repeated, but may be; grades of D and F may not be used to fulfill degree/certificate requirements.  

Repeating a course does not remove the original grade from the student’s transcript. All courses, including those repeated are included in the graduate student’s cumulative grade point average. Graduate students may petition the Graduate Education and Research office to have up to six hours of repeated grades excluded from the grade point average (GPA). Students who have had the maximum six hours of credit excluded from the GPA may not submit additional petitions to change which six credit hours are excluded. 

In accordance with federal financial aid regulations, a student may receive federal assistance to repeat a class once for which a passing grade (defined as a “D” or better) has been previously earned. However, there is no limit on the number of times a student may receive federal assistance to repeat a class (if otherwise eligible to do so) for which a grade of “F” has previously been received. 
