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Promotional Items

T-shirts are an excellent way to promote UCM, as they are walking billboards. Because T-shirts can have a long life span, will be worn outside of campus and represent UCM and the values of our institution, they must follow the below guidelines to ensure positive representation. All university departments, programs, offices, etc. must adhere to these guidelines. If a student organization or group uses the university name, acronym or logo, they also must adhere to all branding guidelines and licensing requirements.

  • All promotional materials, including T-shirts, must be produced by a UCM licensed vendor.
  • All promotional materials, including T-shirts, must follow logo brand guidelines.
  • T-shirt and promotional item color should be red, black, gray or white. Special requests may be sent to the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications. Please provide reasoning behind your special request.
  • All elements of the shirt should cast UCM in a positive light. Shirts must not display inappropriate language or reference drugs, alcohol, firearms, pornography, anything that breaks the law or would cast UCM in a negative light.  
  • Shirts must not use trademarks or derivatives of marks from other entities. 

The Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications keeps a supply of UCM branded items on hand for colleges, schools, departments, offices and programs to buy if they have last-minute opportunities arise and are unable to order promotional items in time. IMC buys items in bulk and passes that discount along to on-campus partners who buy these products.

Products regularly available include:

  • Stickers
  • Beads
  • Pens
  • Water bottles
  • Folders
  • Notebooks
  • Lanyards
  • Pins
  • Keychains
  • and much more!

On-campus partners may browse the selection at

