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UCM Branding and Style

Here you have access to our brand guidelines, and marketing toolkit portal. We encourage you to use these tools in order to maintain and increase our visibility as an esteemed institution of learning where access, affordability, completion and student success are our strategic goals.   

Style Guide

The University of Central Missouri Brand Guidelines found in the links below will help you get to know UCM’s style, tone and voice. If you still are unsure or unable to find an answer after reading this guide, call Integrated Marketing and Communications at 660-543-4640 and ask to speak with our brand specialist. In addition to our guide, we have a full list of UCM buildings with approved formal and informal names.

Marketing Toolkit Portal

The Marketing Toolkit Portal provides access to materials to help jump-start projects whenever you need to develop documents in-house. While the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications is always pleased to work on your marketing materials, we realize there are times when you have a quick deadline that we cannot meet due to time limitations. These tools were developed to meet that need. Here you will find templates, logos, releases, policies and a photo library to aid in the development in brand-consistent documents. 


