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UCM Website Resources

Web Resources for Web Content Editors, Web Content Managers, and other Website Stakeholders

This resource site designed to provide campus web content editors, web content managers and other website stakeholders with additional resources as they seek to edit and enhance the portions of the site within their areas of responsibility.

Steps Involved in a UCM Website Edit

A typical website edit process has four steps. Throughout the process, assistance is available from the website team within UCM's Integrated Marketing and Communications office. The four steps are as follows:

  1. A Content Owner - often a school chair, program coordinator, director of an office, or their designee "Subject Matter Expert" (SME) - emails an edit request to their assigned Web Content Editor, specifying (in as much detail as necessary) those changes they wish to have made.
  2. The Web Content Editor makes the requested edits, publishes the changes to a preview server, and finally provides the Content Owner with a link to the preview URL for approval.
  3. Upon the Content Owner's approval, the Web Content Editor submits the page to an assigned Web Content Manager for final review and publication to the live ("production") server.
  4.  The Web Content Manager reviews submitted content 
  5. assisted, of course, by support at all steps from the website team within UCM"s Integrated Marketing and Communications office. 

Every area of the university has access to at least one content editor. Content Owners/SMEs should work with their area’s Web Content Editor, who will facilitate necessary changes to the website. 

Web Content Editors

Information that is of specific value and interest to Web Content Edtiors can be found in this section. Web Content Editors:

  • place content provided by a content owner or subject matter expert on a page according to UCM standards and best practices
  • communicate with the requestor to ensure that the eidt meets their needs. (In some cases, the editor is also the subject matter expert or content owner)
  • submits approved pages to a Web Content Manager for their area for final review and publication. 

Web Content Editor Resources


Web Content Manager

This section houses information of specific interest to Web Content Managers. Web content managers play the important role of reviewer and publisher.* They review pages submitted by Web Content Editors to ensure that the pages conform to UCM standards and best practices before publishing them to our live ("production") server. Beyond spelling checks, they are not responsible for the accuracy of content.

* Many Web Content Managers play a dual role as both a Web Content Manager and Web Content Editor. When acting as a Web Content Editor, they should submit their edits to another Web Content Manager within their area instead of publishing it to the production server directly. 

Web Content Manager Resources

Content Owners / Subject Matter Experts (SME)

Information designed to assist Web Content Onwers/SMEs - those who are responsible for generating the actual content that is found on UCM webpages (versus placing someone else's content on the page), including information within to help organize content properly for the web and in alignment with the rest of the UCM website’s content.

Content Owner/SME Resources
