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Warrensburg Campus


Student Recreation and Wellness Center James C. Kirkpatrick Library classroom lecture students in classroom
student looking through magnifying glass filming talk show in studio students working in broadcast studio Jim Crane Baseball Stadium
Art Center and Gallery entrance Friendship Tower in Selmo Park track at Vernon Kennedy Field digital media production students filming outdoors
students walking in hallway of W.C. Morris aerial view of UCM quad three students walking outside of Student Rec and Wellness Center students walking outdoors on campus
four students walking on campus talking group of students posing for photo outdoors on campus students studying in collaborative space exterior photo of The Crossing
exterior photo of James C. Kirkpatrick library group of students studying in library group of students studying in library female student studying at desk in library
three students sitting at desk in library group of students showing "snouts out" hand symbol close up of female student in library man helping student sitting at computer
close up of student sitting at desk smiling students walking outside of Dockery students walking in quad area of campus students sitting outside studying at The Crossing
 students showing "snouts out" hand symbol  students studying outside of Starbucks  two students studying in Starbucks  four students sitting at a table in Starbucks
students sitting at a table at Starbucks male student wearing backpack on campus students on the quad at UCM close up of female student on UCM campus
three students outdoors at UCM close up of male student on UCM campus students outside Elliott Student Union students outside dorm room steps
group of UCM students showing "snouts out" hand symbol trees in bloom on UCM campus exterior photo of Administration Building three female students in library
student selecting book in the libary students sitting at table in the library students looking down from stairwell in library students sitting at laptop bar in Elliott Student Union
UCM students eating at Ellis Dining Hall female student getting soft serve ice cream three students laughing eating ice cream group of students interacting with service dog
students sitting in Student Recreation and Wellness Center with service dog overhead view of student shoppers at University Bookstore overhead view of students shopping in University Bookstore student trying on graduation gown
four students eating at Spin! Pizza students sitting at desks in classroom four students sitting at a row of desks in a classroom students eating in atrium at Elliott Student Union
group of students looking at globe students looking at globe students looking at globe two students working together
two students sitting on bean bag chairs students sitting in the lobby of The Crossing three students in the hallway of Student Recreation and Wellness Center two students working together in Student Recreation and Wellness Center
UCM Mars rover moving over terrain students sitting at desks in classroom three students working in chemistry lab view overlooking Keth Memorial Golf Course
golfers playing on Keth Memorial Golf Course exterior of Lovinger Education Building students working in collaborative space in W. C. Morris students working in computer lab
students working in classroom close up of male student in classroom over the shoulder view of student looking at text book three females sitting at desk together
airplane at UCM's Skyhaven Airport students working in cooking lab student lifting barbell female student working at desk
outdoor scene of UCM campus Mo the Mule walking on campus Mo the Mule in front of UCM sign Mo the Mule walking on campus
female student working in science lab students in classroom close up of male student in classroom Theatre students performing on stage
Jennies volleball team celebrating UCM drumline performing UCM Mules football team playing football UCM Mules basketball game
exterior photo of Dockery Building art in hallway of Art Center exterior of Administration Building at night photo of the bust of Dale Carnegy on UCM quad


 Friendship Tower  Friendship Tower  students walking on sidewalk outside of James C. Kirkpatrick library  students studying at Einstein Bagels
 close up of female student studying at Einstein Bagels  exterior of The Crossing  students studying outside The Crossing  group of students posing for photo outside The Crossing
 Starbucks exterior  close up of female student  female and male student close up  close up of female student
 close up of female student  Friendship Tower  students walking down stairwell in library  students studying at laptop bar in Union
 close up of female student  two students studying at desk together  two students inside Student Recreation and Wellness Center  students working in chemistry lab
Friendship Tower Friendship Tower exterior of Dockery UCM campus outdoors
Administration Building Achauer House Friendship Tower  

Missouri Innovation Campus (MIC)


MIC students in collaborative space MIC students studying two female students with laptops MIC students in classroom
MIC students eating on outdoor patio MIC interior of lobby exterior of MIC building MIC lab area
MIC Engineering hallway MIC Health Sciences hallway MIC building interior hallway MIC collaborative space
Nursing students walking in MIC hallway Nursing students walking in hallway Entrance to nursing skills lab Nursing students in nursing lab
Nursing students taking vital signs in nursing lab lobby area of MIC building    


student studying in collaborative space nursing students working in nursing lab    

