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Additional Logos

Legacy Marks

The Office of Integrated Marketing and UCM Store are the exclusive departments who are approved to use the legacy mule logos. IMC and the UCM Store have exclusive creative rights for use and application of these marks for their specific use. 

All other university offices must follow the below guidelines:

  • Use of legacy logos requires permission from the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications. Strategic reasoning must be accompanied with your request. If the mule head logo can be used without damaging the integrity of the initiative, it must be used without the legacy logos.
  • Legacy logos must be used sparingly and for a strategic purpose. Legacy mule logos should be used less than 1% of logo usage in order to avoid dilution of the current UCM brand.
  • Legacy mule logos must have a ™ mark next to each legacy mule.
  • Whenever possible, the dates of the legacy mule logos must be included under each mule.
  • “The Vault” indicia should appear on every promotional item featuring these legacy logos.
  • The main mule head logo must always be used in conjunction with the legacy logos.
  • The main mule head logo must be placed in a place of prominence of the legacy mule logos when using all the logos.
  • The main mule head logo must be no less than 20% larger than the legacy mule logos when using all the logos.
Juvenile Mark

UCM Juvenile Mark - Cartoon Mo

The UCM juvenile mark also known as Cartoon Mo is to be exclusively used for children’s marketing and promotional items. The Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications does not approve the use of the juvenile mark in any other way nor should there be development of new Cartoon Mo character versions. 

All requests regarding usage of any of the university marks or graphics should come through the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications for usage approval or denial.

UCM Anniversary Graphics

Anniversary Mark

The University of Central Missouri has standardized anniversary logos for colleges, schools, departments and programs in order to recognize significant anniversary years. These marks maintain the university’s identity while allowing the college, school or program to honor a significant anniversary. No other anniversary marks are permitted for use, including any previous anniversary marks developed for previous anniversaries.

Colleges, schools, departments and programs may use the anniversary mark in place of the standard college, school, department or program logo during the season of celebration – six months prior to the celebration year and through the celebration year. Once the celebration year has ended, standard logos must be used. Standard program logos and anniversary marks should not be used on the same piece.

College anniversary marks are available starting at year 50, and in 10-year increments after. School, department and program anniversary marks are available starting at year 25, and in 5-year increments after. All anniversary marks past the 100-year mark, including colleges, schools, departments and programs marks, must be recognized in no less than 25-year increments.  

College deans, school chairs, department chairs and program coordinators may request an anniversary logo by contacting the Office of Integrated Marketing and Communications at 660-543-4640 at least two weeks in advance of use date.


UCM Athletic Marks

UCM athletic marks are managed within the . Please contact Tim Pinkston for any questions as it pertains to athletic marks or licensing. Pinkston may be reached at 660-543-4029 or

