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Student Services for Your Organization


How can the Office of Student Activities help your organization? This page has all of the information that you need to know, whether it’s regarding the little things, like office supplies and posting of fliers around campus, to financially assisting your organization through SFC and Operational Budgets. The office is open Monday-Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. to assist you with any of your needs.


Group participating in Human Knot

Leadership To go

Leadership To Go is one of the high quality workshops that the Office of Student Activities offers to UCM’s organizations. If your group needs some team builders or motivation, this is a perfect way to get that. The best part about it? All you have to do is participate: a facilitator will come from the Office of Student Activities and guide the group through the activity so that you can fully participate and acts as a member of the team.

Learn More

Students at Einstein's in the library studying

Diversity to Go

Diversity To Go is one of the high quality workshops that the Office of Student Activities offers to UCM’s organizations. This is the perfect opportunity to start a conversation about diversity, inclusion, and identity and build awareness together. All activities customized to the needs of your organization.

Request a Program

boat races at the multi

Team Builders and Ice Breakers

  • Not sure how to strengthen relationships within your organization. Icebreakers and team builders are a great place to start. When the semester starts up, icebreakers are perfect for helping people get acquainted with one another. Team builders delve deeper, strengthening the bonds and are an asset to building a cohesive team. Included in this is a packet of icebreaker and team builder activities. Give them a try during your next meeting!

Get Packet

Student Organization Services

Resource Room

The office of student activities has a resource room that you can use for a minimal charge. The charges can be applied toward your operational budget as well.

  • Poster Making
    • Cost is $3 or $5 depending on the paper choice
    • Take 8-1/2"x12" flyer and turn it into posters are 23"x31" and can be done in a variety of colors
  • Banner Paper
    • $.21 a yard
  • Copies
    • Varies but ranges from $.05 –$.08 per page
  • Laminator
    • $1.00 a foot 
  • Outdoor Signs
    • Must reserve in Union 217 
  • Button Making
  •  Snow Cone Machine
    • Email for pricing 
  • Foam Board
    • $1.00 Each 
  • Die Cut Machine
    • Construction Paper $.10 per page
    • We can cut out letters from our 17 different fonts and we have a shape virtually for any design you need. We have the entire Greek alphabet plus a great mule you may need for that office bulletin board. We can cut out letters and shapes as small as 1” or as large as the paper will handle! 
  • Popcorn Machine


The Office of Student Activities offers two forms of funding available to student organizations operational budget and Student Funding Committee (SFC) funding:

Operational Budget: Student organizations can sign up for operational budget each semester, which can be used for office supplies in Union 217 as well as purchases from the bookstore and Walmart. Amounts vary each semester depending on the amount of groups requesting operational budget.

SFC Funding: SFC board meets twice a year (fall/spring) to allocate funding for the following semester to student organizations to offset the costs of traveling for professional development and programming to improve the social, cultural, recreational, and educational offerings to the students and the rest of the University community.

For more information check out  SFC.

Posting Flyers

The Office of Student Activities has to approve all the posters for campus. We also post them on bulletin board around campus and in the residence halls. Bring 32 of your flyers to the office. We post on Monday and Wednesday. We need the flyers by Friday and Tuesday at 5 pm.

Student Organization Mailbox

The Office of Student Activities offers mailboxes for free to student organizations. If your organization is interested in having a mailbox the president or advisor can stop by Union 217 to sign up.


Mail should be address to:

                Organization Name

                415 E Clark St.

                Union 217 Box ##

                Warrensburg, MO 64093

Publicizing an upcoming event or meeting

The office wants you to have successful events and meetings, so we recommend utilizing all your marketing option on campus.

  • Reserve Outdoor Signs – You must sign up for one in Union 217. You are responsible to taking the sign in and out each day.
  • Make fliers to hang out up around campus. See posting fliers for more information.
  • Pass out Handbills– bring copy to Union 217 to be approved and use operational budget to print
  • Student Organization Newsletter – Each Monday the Office of Student Activities publish a student organization newsletter. This newsletter contains important deadlines, meeting dates, upcoming opportunity for students as well as volunteer opportunities. If you would like to submit an event or opportunity for student organizations, please email by Friday at noon
  • Send to the Muleskinner -
  • Post on the Weekly YOU-CM Newsletter – See your Advisor to get posted
  • Add to the University Calendar – See your Advisor to get it added
