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Personal Training

trainer with student

Are you looking for a new way to achieve your fitness and health goals?
Working with a personal trainer is a great way to achieve your fitness and health goals in a safe and effective environment. Our Personal Trainers will develop and assist with an exercise program created personally just for you based on your fitness level, your goals, and your exercise preferences. People of all fitness levels and skills can benefit from working with a Personal Trainer.
Personal training services are available to anyone with a UCM ID.


Services and Fees

Student (or Spouse of Student) & Faculty/Staff (or Spouse of Fac/Staff)


One-on-One Personal Training Options


1 Personal Training Session                           $25

1-hour each

5 Personal Training Sessions                        $100

1-hour each

10 Personal Training Sessions                      $180

1-hour each

Group Personal Training Options

1 Personal Training Group Session               $15/person  

1-hour each

We offer group personal training for up to three people with one trainer.  We can keep a 2:1 or 3:1 ratio, client: trainer. 

Fitness Assessment

Body Composition                                                $5

InBody Bioelectrical Impedance Machine





Meet The Personal Trainers



Cancellation/No-Show Policy

 A 24-hour notice is required to cancel or reschedule all training sessions, fitness assessments, and equipment orientations without charge.  Full payment is required for all appointments canceled or rescheduled with less than six hours notice.  To cancel or reschedule an appointment, individuals must contact the SRWC front desk (660-543-8643).

Refund Policy

Refunds for personal training will only be given for a period of seven (7) days from the date of purchase or seven (7) days from the initial appointment, and refunds will be no greater than 50% of the personal training fees that were paid.


Student Recreation and Wellness Center

Front Desk
500 S. Maguire St.
Warrensburg, MO 64093
Tel: (660) 543-8643
