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Student Organization Handbooks, Policies and Procedures


Our goal is to help student organizations be successful, contributing members of the campus community. Therefore, it important that student organizations follow the guidelines established but the University.

student looking a book.

Registered Student Organization Handbook

This handbook contains information for all student organizations on how to register, contact information for both on and off campus, policies and much more. Using this handbook is a helpful tool to help your organization be successful.

Get Handbook

math problems on a board

Student Organization Financial Guide

This guide is a reference for officers of recognized student organizations (RSO).

Topics include: officers' financial duties, keeping comprehensive financial records, keeping organization activities in sound financial condition, facilitating continuity between financial officers and successors, providing the means to use University facilities and services, and maintaining and upholding fiduciary guidelines as custodians of student organization funds.

Financial Guide

students petting a dog

UCM Student Handbook

As a student, you attend UCM for the purpose of learning. You must take an active role in the process of building knowledge and skills. This process happens in every aspect of your college experience - in and out of the classroom.

The UCM Student Handbook is intended to assist you as you explore your rights and responsibilities; it is an educational document not a legal document. It is an evolving document, about 50 pages long. Do we expect you to read all of this? Yes. It's important.

UCM Student Handbook

Campus Posting Procedures

Collection/Donation Drives in Housing Policy and Procedure

University Housing supports the University Mission of service to others, through support of collections of various items to be donated to charity. University Housing wants to honor as many requests for these charitable donations as possible while maintaining an orderly and attractive environment.

Policy for collections in University Housing:

  • All collections must be approved in advance with University Housing at least 2 weeks prior to collecting beginning.
  • Collection time period will be limited to no more than 2 weeks.
  • Only one collection will be approved for any given time period.
  • Organizations and staff members will be allowed only 1 collection per semester.
  • Preference given to collections that are offered at all Housing facilities where there is a front desk.
  • Finals week collections are reserved for Volunteer Services events only.

 The following are the procedures for requesting to have collection sites in University Housing locations:

  1. Any organization or Housing staff personnel requesting to collect items in University Housing must make a written request to University Housing at least 2 weeks in advance of the preferred start date of the collection. Information that must be in the request include: Items to be collected Charity benefiting from the collection Dates of collection Location of collections Name and contact information for responsible party Send to: Alan Nordyke
  2. An email will be sent to the contact person to confirm approval or denial of the collection request at least 1 week prior to the collection beginning.
  3. The organization or staff member is responsible for placing and removing the collection boxes at the locations on the agreed to dates.
  4. The organization or staff member is responsible for clearly labeling the collection boxes of the items desired and the cause of which the items will support.
  5. The organization or staff member will be notified of the collection boxes being full and will collect the items upon such notification, even if this is prior to the ending of the collection period.
  6. Failure to comply with the policy and procedure will result in the organization or staff member’s loss of the privilege to do collections in University Housing facilities.

Licensed Vendors

Individuals must go through a licensed vendor when you use the University of Central Missouri or any trademarks of the University on T-shirts, hats or any items.

For more information about what is trademarked by the university and here is a list of .
