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Experience Transcript

Show Your Whole College Career

At UCM, we understand your college experiences stretch beyond the classroom. Your involvement in leadership and service-learning projects adds value to your education and prepares you for your future beyond UCM. Having one place to track all of your co-curricular and involvement activities has great benefits now and in your future.


Experience Transcript


Getting your Experience Transcript

  1. Log into .
  2. Click Student Services, then click activity
  3. Click Continue on the My Experiences at UCM 

Updating Your Experience Transcript

  1. Log into .
  2. Click Student Services, then click activity
  3. Click "Update Experience Transcript" under "My Activities." 
  4. Add new activity, and click "Submit for Review."
Please note: The Experience Transcript does not work in Firefox or Chrome. Please use Internet Explorer V7 or higher.

How to Use Your Experience Transcript

Use your updated transcript to:

  • Document your involvement for letters of recommendation.
  • Enhance your scholarship applications.
  • Strengthen your job applications.
  • Boost your résumé.

Your experiences transcript should include: honors you receive, volunteerism and community service, workshops, seminars, scholarships and campus involvement. Some activities will be automatically added, and all activities will be verified by UCM activity advisors.

Approving Experience Transcript Request
