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Campus Surveys

To better understand our campus, University Analytics and Institutional Research (UAIR) collaborates with several departments and offices to administer regional and national benchmark surveys. These research projects provide important information on the behaviors, expectations, and opinions of our students, faculty, and staff. The knowledge and insights gained through these data collection efforts help campus leaders make decisions as part of our institutional commitment to continuous improvement. 

Cooperative Institutional Research Project/The Freshman Survey ()

CIRP/TFS is the longest-standing national survey for incoming first-year students. The survey has questions about experiences and expectations prior to attending college, plans for engagement during the first year, enrollment decisions, college choice/selections processes, etc. 

UCM typically participates in CIRP/TFS each year. 


UCM Results


National Survey of Student Engagement ()


NSSE is a national research project which collects information from first-year students and seniors. The survey instrument covers topics such as classroom participation and engagement, typical coursework expectations, instructor behaviors, academic and cocurricular activities, etc. 

UCM typically participates in NSSE every three years.

