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Course Evaluation Guidance for Administrators


Deans and chairs can view evaluations for instructors within their colleges, schools, and departments. If you are having trouble accessing data for a specific instructor, please contact UAIR at uair@ucmo.edu or (660) 543-4646.

Accessing within Academic Analytics

Browsing to and saving your instructors’ evaluations will be streamlined in the near future.

  1. Go to (). Login using your Google account. 
  2. Select the semester you want to view using the Change Semester menu.
  3. Scroll to the Instructors section. Click the + icon to expand the menu for an instructor. Then click View Dashboard.
  4. Scroll down to the Course Evaluations section and select the section you want to view.

Admin DashboardInstructor List

Accessing archived PDFs

PDF copies of all course evaluation reports are saved to the Academic Programs and Services network directory. There they are grouped by instructor name and by semester. For example:

\\ucmo.local\data\acadprogsvs\Course Evaluations\By Instructor\Mule, Mo\202110

You can request copies for one of your instructors by contacting Traci Butler.


University Analytics and Institutional Research
ADM 304
Tel: (660) 543-4646
