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Biology, BS - Area 2: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS

Are you fascinated by the relationships between organisms and their past, present and future global environments — and are you looking for a career that addresses how and why dynamic shifts occur in these vital interactions? The University of Central Missouri’s Bachelor of Science in Biology, with a focus on Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, prepares you for essential ecology careers.  

Explore the levels of biological organization and how organisms interact with their environment and change characteristics over time. Courses, fieldwork and lab experiences offer practical, real-world experience in the field of ecology. 

Evolution and Ecology students work on the forefront of planetary change

Ecology majors at UCM study in a 300-acre outdoor classroom at our on-campus Pertle Springs Nature Preserve. You’ll be part of undergraduate student teams that collaborate with faculty in small classes, hands-on research projects and ongoing field studies conducted in the lab and in nature.

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Jennifer Mittelhauser, M.S.
W.C. Morris Science Building 230 C
Warrensburg, MO
Tel: 660-543-8877

College of Health, Science and Technology

Department of Biological and Clinical Sciences

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Small classes, close faculty connections

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Undergraduate research opportunities

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300-acre Pertle Springs Nature Preserve

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Faculty widely published in journals

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Exchange program w/ Hengshui University

What you will study

While earning your UCM Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS, you’ll study plant and animal diversity, ecology, genetics, evolution and learn to analyze biological data. After you build this foundation, you’ll use what you learn to help address the world-wide loss of biodiversity and its effect on evolution and ecology. 

Our classes in evolution and ecology teach you to use the appropriate scientific methods and instrumentation required for in-depth ecology studies. You’ll learn the theories and methods required to understand the complex ecological interactions challenging wildlife and address mounting global threats to biodiversity. 

Field studies and research in evolution and ecology are a major component of our curriculum. When you graduate, you’ll be well-prepared to contribute to teams that design, sample and analyze ecological and evolutionary data. 

Diverse opportunities for specialization  

As an Ecology major, you’ll complete core Biology BS courses and then specialize in plant and animal biology, plant identification, genetics, experimental design and analysis, micro- and macro-biology or wildlife diseases. You can deepen your focus on particular areas of interest with several choices for elective ecology study, including:

  • Limnology
  • Mammalogy
  • Ichthyology
  • Ecology Field Course
  • Field Techniques in Biology


Excellence in Biology

  • 300-acre, on-campus nature preserve
  • Best Value College for Biological & Biomedical Sciences (College Factual, 2022)


Unique learning opportunities in ecology and evolutionary biology

The active learning format we use at the University of Central Missouri means you’ll directly apply your evolution and ecology study skills and techniques to situations you might encounter in professional work settings. 

  • Internships, research and study abroad: Use classroom and lab skills in ecology study situations that are similar to real-world ecology careers. UCM’s student exchange program with Hengshui University in China, research designed and implemented by students in a Belize Barrier Reef study-tour and frequent on-campus fieldwork projects at Pertle Springs Nature Preserve offer multiple opportunities to put your Ecology degree into practice.
  • Ecology senior seminar: During your senior year, you’ll learn strategies used in ecology careers, including industry-standard research skills, to complete a capstone project of your own design.
  • Networking: Join UCM chapters of the American Fisheries Society (the world’s oldest, largest professional organization to promote scientific research and sustainability for fisheries), Beta Beta Beta National Biology Honors Society (collegiate honor society with 200,000+ nationwide members) and The Wildlife Society (international professional organization that stewards wildlife and their habitats through scientific research and education). These student groups and activities offer opportunities to learn, build relationships and explore ecology career options. 
  • Teamwork: Gain an understanding of how to collaborate with colleagues to accomplish goals. Our active learning model incorporates many opportunities for Ecology majors to work with peers and faculty on long-term research projects and field studies mirroring real-world ecology career experiences.
  • Facilities and Resources: At UCM undergraduate and graduate students alike get hands-on access to our most innovative resources. Here, students train on our bioreactor, digital and quantitative PCR systems, fully equipped histology set and other lab equipment typically reserved for grad research at larger universities. We are also one of the few non-veterinary schools in the nation to have a necropsy lab for animal study and research. Students at all levels also have access to our sizable collections of biological specimens, including our rare entomology and historic ichthyology collections. You’ll have access to a sizable arboretum, aquatic transport tank, wildlife drone and the 300-acre Pertle Springs Nature Preserve.


What can you do with a bachelor’s degree in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from UCM?

Ecology careers are vitally important to the survival of our intricately connected global ecosystem. UCM graduates work in wildlife biology research or serve as ecological investigators on research teams studying issues that impact animal or plant populations, like pollution and diseases. Many UCM Biology BS graduates with a concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology also continue their studies in fully funded Ph.D. programs at research universities. 

Evolution and Ecology degrees offer many exciting career choices

UCM professors have strong relationships with national and regional agencies, such as the Department of Natural Resources, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) and the Missouri Department of Conservation. The knowledge, skills and hands-on experience you achieve during your ecology study at the University of Central Missouri can lead to ecology careers with:

  • State and federal agencies
  • Research, diagnostic or field laboratories
  • Opportunities to teach evolution and ecology
  • Consulting businesses
  • Nonprofit organizations or corporations 

Use the interactive tool below to explore potential salaries and career pathways with an Ecology and Evolutionary Biology BS from the University of Central Missouri.




Financial assistance options for your Ecology and Evolutionary Biology degree

As an undergraduate student in Biology at the University of Central Missouri, you may be eligible for university scholarships, awards and other resources for financing your education.

Beyond the scholarships and awards available through UCM, many scholarships are specifically for Biology majors, including those studying evolution and ecology. You may qualify to apply for opportunities such as these:

  • Carlos Kays Biology and Earth Science Scholarship
  • Charles Hinerman Memorial Scholarship
  • Dr. John Beishe Biology Scholarship
  • Steven H. Mills and Stephen W. Wilson Research Award

Explore more about program-specific scholarships with the UCM Scholarship Finder.


Undergraduate research project funding

Three distinct funding sources are available for Biology BS students, including those majoring in Evolution and Ecology, who want to conduct their own faculty-approved research projects. Funding can be used to cover supplies and travel expenses. Each funding source has its own application and eligibility guidelines. 


Students in a biology lab

Take your degree further.

If you’d like to further specialize your studies in evolution and ecology and add to the earning power of your Ecology degree, consider enrolling in a master’s degree program at UCM

WC Morris Building

Make yourself more marketable.

You can sharpen your focus to include legal or technical systems to protect the environment, environmental justice advocacy or corporate accountability by adding a minor in a field that works in tandem with your Ecology degree.

A greenhouse

Explore programs related to ecology and evolutionary biology.

If you’re fascinated by plant and animal systems, you may also want to consider exploring these fields related to an Ecology degree.


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