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Chemistry, BS

Chemistry Bachelor of Science

Get down to basics and learn about the building blocks of all things — as well as the changes they undergo — in the University of Central Missouri’s Bachelor of Science in Chemistry program. 

As a Chemistry major at UCM, you’ll discover how to test hypotheses and take part in vibrant discussions about cutting-edge science topics. Any program can teach the core chemistry content — and we do — but UCM also emphasizes building important critical-thinking skills. These abilities help you approach and solve problems that you haven’t encountered before, so you’ll be ready to tackle any professional problem you need to solve.

Concentrations for the bachelor’s degree in Chemistry

As a UCM Chemistry major, you’ll choose one of three tracks to pursue as you work to complete your bachelor’s degree:

  • ACS-certified Chemistry: Follows a program of study approved by the national branch of the American Chemical Society 
  • Chemistry: Includes courses similar to the ACS track but with more flexibility; well-suited for transfer students coming from non-ACS-certified programs
  • Biochemistry: Applies chemistry to the study of biology at the cellular and molecular levels

Experienced faculty with diverse expertise

At UCM, you’ll take courses for the Chemistry major from faculty who have the highest degrees in their fields and a wide range of specialties, including analytical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysical chemistry, materials chemistry, organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

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Dr. Jay Steinkruger
Department Chair
W.C. Morris Science Building, Room 406B
Warrensburg, MO
Tel: 660-543-4432

College of Health, Science and Technology

Department of Physical Sciences

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ACS-certified Chemistry major

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Emphasis on undergraduate research

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Small classes for focused attention

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Access to high-tech lab equipment

A microscope icon

Faculty with diverse research expertise


What you will study

As a major in Chemistry at the University of Central Missouri, you’ll build core knowledge in the primary areas in the field, such as analytical, biological, inorganic, organic and physical chemistry. You’ll also learn problem-solving and critical-thinking skills that teach you how to organize information, analyze it and draw conclusions based on data. 

Courses for the Chemistry bachelor’s degree program include:

  • Biochemistry
  • Communication Skills in Chemistry
  • Instrumental Analysis
  • Mechanistic Enzymology
  • Physical Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics
  • Quantitative Analysis

A core part of nearly every class you take will involve lab work. During your labs, you’ll work closely with faculty members who provide focused guidance on how best to approach your work.


Excellence in Chemistry

  • Nationally certified: American Chemistry Society — the field’s gold standard. This means you’re taught by accomplished faculty, your course requirements are guaranteed to meet current industry standards and our facilities are well-maintained and up to date.


Unique learning opportunities in the Chemistry major

As you major in Chemistry, you’ll engage in active learning processes that teach you how to execute modern lab techniques. Overall, you’ll have many opportunities to become actively involved, both inside and outside the classroom. 

  • Internships: Get experience working in a professional lab by participating in an internship. Past students with a major in Chemistry have participated in Research Experiences for Undergraduates through the National Science Foundation (NSF-REU) at sites including the University of Utah, University of Minnesota and Michigan Technological University (in cooperation with the National University of Singapore). 
  • Undergraduate research: Work on faculty-led research projects with a mentor who shares your intellectual curiosity. You may even get the opportunity to publish your work in a scientific journal.
  • Dedicated, high-tech labs: Use high-tech equipment that aligns with the latest and best technology in the field. Equipment includes FT-IR, fluorescence and UV-visible spectrophotometers, as well as an HPLC chromatography system, among many others.
  • Career advising: We’ll work with you to map out the best approach to your education based on your career goals. This includes planning which classes to take, finding the best internships and finding your ideal career path to get the jobs you want.
  • Student life: Take part in our active student organization, the American Chemical Society, to network with others who share your interests. Perform service work, learn about career opportunities and attend speaking events.


What can you do with a major in Chemistry from UCM?

Chemistry serves as the central science that builds the foundation of many technological and scientific areas. Your Chemistry bachelor’s degree prepares you to succeed in a wide range of fields.

So, what can you do with a major in Chemistry? Our graduates have gone on to work in forensics, medicine, research, quality control, gene therapy, the government and more. Companies and organizations that employ UCM graduates with a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry include:

  • Catalent Pharma Solutions
  • CEVA Animal Health
  • Charles River Laboratories
  • EAG Laboratories
  • Cardinal Health
  • Church and Dwight
  • Kansas Bureau of Investigation
  • Pfizer

Our graduates have also gone on to medical school, pharmacology programs, veterinary school and more.

Jobs with a Chemistry major

What can you do with a major in Chemistry? Use the interactive tool below to discover job options, projected career growth, salary ranges and open positions.4




Financial assistance options for your Chemistry bachelor’s degree

The University of Central Missouri helps put your bachelor’s degree in Chemistry within reach. We offer numerous ways to help you finance your education, including university scholarships, tuition awards, grants, access to federal financial aid, loans and more.

UCM also offers scholarships specifically to Chemistry majors. These include:

  • Ardyth C. Boucher Scholarship
  • Donald R. Kelsey Undergraduate Research Award
  • E. R. Foster and Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Foster Scholarship
  • J. M. Hopping Scholarship
  • Nance Family Scholarship
  • Raymond and Cynthia Burton Scholarship

You can learn more about program-specific scholarships at the UCM Scholarship Finder.


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Make yourself more marketable.


Combine your Chemistry bachelor’s degree with a minor to expand your knowledge of certain areas of interest and to learn how chemistry intersects with them.

Students in a biology class


Explore programs related to chemistry.


If you’re interested in a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry, you may also want to check out these other undergraduate programs at UCM.

Hands-on experience

Another advantage of studying chemistry at UCM is the opportunity to gain hands-on experience with sophisticated chemical instrumentation, assuring future employers a well-trained and experienced graduate who works with a high level of confidence. Equipment used regularly by students include those for UV-Visible, FT-IR, and FT-NMR spectroscopy; chromatography instruments, such as those for GC, GC/MS, and HPLC; and an assortment of others for calorimetry, fluorometry, and electrochemical analysis. UCM chemists strive to obtain the most up-to-date instrumentation; the FT-IR, fluorescence, and UV-Visible spectrophotometers, in addition to the HPLC chromatography system, are all recent acquisitions.

Undergraduate Research

Undergraduate research experiences are encouraged for all chemistry majors at UCM and are required for students obtaining the B.S. ACS certified degree and the B.S. in Education degree. Many areas of research are available throughout the academic year and the summer, including work in biochemistry; organic, inorganic, physical, and analytical chemistry; and chemical education. Undergraduate research provides an opportunity for students to develop and utilize critical thinking skills, creativity, and essential research techniques for chemical, health, and other science-related disciplines. Students participating in research collaborate with faculty members and other student researchers, building important student-mentor relationships. Many students present their research at state, regional, and national meetings. Participation in professional meetings provides an opportunity to interact and share experiences with student and faculty researchers from around the country and the world. A list of the conferences where UCM undergraduates have presented over the past few years includes:

  • National Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
  • National Conference for Undergraduate Research (NCUR)
  • Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society (ACS)
  • Missouri Academy Sciences (MAS)
  • Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE)
  • Central Scholar's Symposium
  • Argonne Symposium


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