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Department of Physical Sciences

Everything in the world has a physical component. Learn about these elements and how they interact in the University of Central Missouri’s Department of Physical Sciences. Whether you’re interested in working in a crime lab, checking the safety of foods or heading to medical school, the physical sciences are a great place to start.

Career-focused curriculum

Classes in the Department of Physical Sciences will help you gain the skills and knowledge that can take you in many different directions — including straight into a well-paid science career. Analyze all types of substances in our undergraduate programs to understand the world and make it a better place. You’ll also learn the important skills of critical thinking, teamwork, clear communication and applying logic to solve complex problems. Employers value these skills, and you’ll practice them at every turn in the Physical Sciences.

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Dr. Jay Steinkruger
Professor, Chemistry
W.C. Morris 406B
Warrensburg, MO
Tel: 660-543-4432

College of Health, Science and Technology

Financial Aid and Scholarships

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One-on-one faculty mentors

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ACS-approved program

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Dedicated faculty

A microscope

Modern lab equipment

Find your Physical Science future at UCM

The Department of Physical Sciences at UCM combines highly skilled faculty, newly renovated classroom and research laboratories, a strong emphasis on undergraduate research, and engaging in activities through accredited organizations. The Physical Sciences at UCM allow you to gain hands-on experience with sophisticated instruments, assuring future employers a well trained and experienced student with a high level of confidence. The programs have a large variety of instruments available, such as those used for UV-Visible, FT-IR, and FT-NMR spectroscopy; a number of chromatography instruments, including GC, GC/MS, and HPLC; and an assortment of other equipment for calorimetry, fluorometry, and electrochemical analysis.

  • Chemistry: The UCM chemistry program is a rigorous program that is certified by the American Chemical Society. In our program, you will receive a student-centered education with daily interactions and strong involvement of our faculty, from classroom to individual research projects. The Chemistry B.S. offers three options of study, pre-professional preparation, and a chemistry minor.
  • Geoscience: Courses in geology, physical geography, weather and climate, world geography, and sustainability are general education classes that provide a foundation in Geoscience and afford students in all disciplines an excellent preparation for life in a complex and fast-paced world. Geoscience courses at UCM offer the knowledge and important analytical tools used in careers in the natural sciences, safety science, environmental sciences, history, anthropology, criminal justice, international affairs, and science education. These tools include spatial data analysis, cartography, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS), which are some of the hottest areas in the global workplace.
  • Physics: The physics courses offered by UCM will prepare you for rewarding careers where you can use your passion for science to benefit the world around you. The physics discipline offers a B.S. in Education (BSE) degree leading to certification to teach Physics in grades 9-12.


What can you do with a degree in one of UCM’s Physical Science programs?

Graduates of UCM’s Physical Science programs are in high demand for a wide range of career fields. Your education and training will allow you to compete in environments with highly technical labs and equipment across multiple areas of study.

Whether you’re interested in field work, lab work or careers in education, the physical science programs at UCM will prepare you for careers in many exciting aspects of physical science.




Disciplines within the Department of Physical Sciences

The Department of Physical Sciences prides itself on the individual attention and community we build with students. Our faculty get to know you and work with you closely as you discover your interests and goals — and help you develop a plan to achieve them.


Chemistry equipment in a lab

Chemistry at UCM

Chemistry from UCM gives you a strong foundation in lab, research and problem-solving skills required to handle a variety of challenges. You’ll work closely with faculty to understand the core knowledge in physical, biological, organic and inorganic chemistry. The analytical skills you gain will make you competitive for many STEM jobs. Combine Chemistry with Biology as a springboard into a host of careers that could include medicine, veterinary science or research.

Earth Science minreals on a table

Geoscience at UCM

Learn all about our planet’s systems in Earth Science or find out how to analyze location data in Geographic Information Systems. At UCM, you can explore mountains, oceans and volcanoes as you examine the natural world with the tools of modern science to solve problems that help businesses and governments better serve both people and nature.

Physics figures drawn on paper

Physics at UCM

Matter, motion and energy are the core of what you’ll learn in Physics at UCM. Your instructors are all Ph.D.-level faculty who will help you understand the fundamental laws of physics and how they affect many other fields of study. With access to UCM’s modern lab equipment, you’ll gain skills and knowledge to comprehend the forces that underlie everything on earth and beyond.


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