Open Calendar


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Information For New Employees

Welcome to UCM!

Congratulations on accepting your new position with the University of Central Missouri! We're excited that you chose UCM for your career, and we look forward to a long and exciting relationship.

Everyone, even our newest team members, is responsible in supporting the university mission. Student success is the cornerstone of everything we do at UCM, and we hope that your onboarding experience will provide you with the information and resources necessary to make your contribution to the success of our students.

We hope that you look forward to the opportunities that are awaiting you on campus and trust that you will become a long and enduring part of our rich history. Please contact the Office of Human Resources if you have any questions. Welcome to UCM!

Aerial Photo of UCM Campus

Visitor's Parking

Is it your first day at work? Park in the visitor parking lot next to the Administration Building, located just off Hwy 13 on South St.

View Map

What to Bring

What to Bring

Make sure you bring all necessary documents on your first day of work.  To set up direct deposit, bring your bank account number and your bank's routing number.



New Employee Orientation


New Employee Orientation is an all-day event on your first workday, where you will learn everything you need to know to get a terrific start to your career at UCM.

Learn more

New Employee Orientation

New Employee Orientation

On your first day of work, please report to the Administration Building, Room 100E (across from the Office of Human Resources) for New Employee Orientation. This is an all-day event where you will learn about benefit options, policies and procedures, and campus safety, as well as having hands-on computer time.

You will be asked to complete some paperwork, provide documents that establish your identity and employment eligibility, supply your bank account information for direct deposit of your pay, and have your picture taken for your staff identification card.




New Employee FAQs

Where can I park?

On your first day of work, park in the visitor parking lot next to the Administration Building (green lot #24), located just off Hwy 13 on South Street. See a map of campus. 

When you enter the visitor's lot, be sure to tell the employee at the entrance that it's your first day of work.

During your first day, you may choose to purchase a parking pass from Parking Services that allows you to park in designated staff parking lots around campus. The monthly parking fee can be deducted from your pay on a pre-tax basis. All UCM owned parking lots are reserved for valid parking permit holders. Each parking lot is restricted to permit holders from 6 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

What documents should I bring?

In addition to banking information for direct deposit, you will need to supply documentation to verify your identity and eligibility for employment. 

What paperwork will I complete?

On your first day of work, you will be asked to complete a Form W-4 to indicate your withholdings for state and federal taxes, a Form I-9 to verify your employment eligibility, a personal information form that includes emergency contact information, a personnel data sheet, and a direct deposit of payroll form.

If you attend new employee orientation on your first day of work, you will also complete the forms contained in a benefits enrollment packet. If you will be covering any dependents on insurance, you will need their dates of birth and social security number.

What is new employee orientation?

Human Resources conducts new employee orientation to provide general information about UCM that will be advantageous for you during your first few months of employment. Your HR Generalist will let you know the date, time, and location of your orientation.

During orientation, you will learn about your employment, classification and compensation, insurance, time off, and retirement benefits.

We will advise you about when you will receive your first paycheck.

You will complete your benefits enrollment packet and will also find out about Public Safety, Information Services and Community Engagement.

This is a program you don't want to miss!


Benefits Information

On your first day of work, you will learn about benefit options in detail and have the opportunity to ask any questions you may have. 

UCM Benefits Information
