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Academic Programs and Graduate Studies

Office of the Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Dean, Graduate Studies and Research

The office oversees a wide cross section of the university: academic programs, services to students, and facilitation of the academic and professional life of the faculty. At Central Missouri, we are committed to promoting student learning in an atmosphere of open discourse and inquiry. We encourage our faculty and students to engage in active learning that is complemented by scholarship and we promote programs like Minority Opportunities for Research and Education in STEM (MORE STEM).

Reporting to the vice provost are Academic Digital/Analytics, University AssessmentCareer and Life Design CenterGraduate StudiesInternational Student ServicesLearning CommonsRegistrar and Student RecordsSponsored Programs and Research IntegritySuccess Advising, and Testing Services.


Academic Digital/Analytics



Visit Academic Digital/Analytics


Establishing a culture of quality at the University of Central Missouri is the driving force of UCM's Quality Improvement Program, more commonly known as CQIP. The university assessment program's purpose is to improve the quality of student learning and student support services.

Visit University Assessment

Career and Life Design Center

The Career and Life Design Center aspires to empower students and alumni with knowledge and connections that will lead to meaningful career and life experiences. Our office is here to support students and alumni through career readiness and life design to explore and build their career and life journeys.  

Visit Career and Life Design Center

Graduate Studies

When you choose the University of Central Missouri for your graduate studies, you are choosing a graduate education that will give you a unique perspective along with the practical experience you need for success in the real world.   

Our office provides direction, development, and oversight for graduate education and graduate research at the University.  We foster an intellectual environment characterized by excellence in teaching and learning and discipline-based scholarship; coordinate graduate program assessment efforts; and advocate for graduate education and research to internal and external stakeholders. 

Visit Graduate Studies

International Student Services

Learn about international student policies and international admissions through International Student Services. 

  • International Undergraduate, Graduate, and Transfer Admissions
  • International transcript evaluations
  • International student immigration advising
  • CPT and OPT for international students
  • International Orientation
  • Exchange student (J-1) program
  • Sponsored student programs
  • International Student Recruitment

Learning Commons

Registrar and Student Records

  • The processing of out-going, official UCM transcripts
  • Graduation application processing
  • Production of the Undergraduate and Graduate catalogs and the undergraduate academic Four Year Guides
  • Verification of student enrollment status and degree completion
  • Maintenance of the course schedule, the degree audit system (DegreeWorks), and the student information system (Banner/Ellucian)
  • Grade collection and disbursement
  • Transfer course articulation and transfer guides
  • Preserving the integrity and privacy of student academic records by abiding by the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
  • Student academic records maintenance
  • Commencement Ceremony coordination
  • Academic policies & procedures compliance

Visit Registrar and Student Records

Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity

The Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity (OSPRI) assists university personnel and students in finding funding opportunities, developing ideas into fundable projects, compiling application materials, managing externally funded projects, and ensuring compliance with external funding regulations and research integrity at the University of Central Missouri. 

Visit Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity

Success Advising

Testing Services

UCM Testing Services is dedicated to improving student learning and development, the quality of academic and student support services programs, and the overall intellectual life and learning environment of the institution. Testing Services strives to implement UCM’s assessment program, provide the highest quality testing environment, and maintain accurate, confidential and reliable test score and instructional assessment services.

Visit Testing Services



Academic Programs
Administration Building, Room 104
Tel: (660) 543-8059


