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Welcome to the Office of Assessment and Planning

The Office of Assessment and Planning supports effective outcomes assessment in academic and cocurricular units to promote student learning and continuous improvement. In keeping with this mission, the Office provides comprehensive support for assessment related activities for academic programs, general education, and cocurricular units.


University Learning Goals

The undergraduate curriculum encourages students to see the events of the world in a broad perspective and to bring a reasoned approach to the challenges they may face. To achieve these purposes, the University established six broad student learning goals. These overarching goals derive from the University Mission and Vision and align with align with the general education learning outcomes:

Analytic, Problem-Solving, and Decision-Making Skills. Students will develop skills in information, quantitative literacy, and methods of scientific inquiry for the purposes of critical and creative problem solving.

Oral and Written Communication Skills. Students will develop skills in expository, argumentative, and creative writing, and in effective speaking and listening.

Foundation in Liberal Arts and Sciences. Students will acquire liberal arts and sciences knowledge that leads to informed civic engagement and democratic opportunity.

Intercultural Knowledge and Global Learning. Students will gain an understanding of the traditions that influence individuals and communities to develop a knowledge of and respect for all cultures. Students will gain a deeper understanding of their role in a global context. 

 Ethics. Students will understand the nature of value judgments, develop the skills to make reasoned and informed value judgments, and appreciate the diversity among cultures with respect to mores and traditional standards of conduct.

Preparation in an Academic or Professional Discipline. Students will attain a level of achievement, including technological competence, within an academic or professional discipline which will enable them to begin a career in the discipline or to pursue graduate work in an appropriately related discipline.

These goals are framed broadly and frame study in general education as well as the major. Systematic assessment of these goals is critical to ensuring a quality learning experience for our students. Click here to find out more information about how these goals are assessed as part of our General Education program. 

Preparation in an Academic or Professional Discispline is assessed within academic programs as part of their regular review of student learning.  


