Open Calendar
Student on the stairs in the Ward Edwards building.


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Get Award

Award Documents

As stated in the University of Central Missouri’s Board of Governor’s Policy, all grant applications and agreements must be reviewed and approved through the Office of Sponsored Programs & Research Integrity. OSPRI staff will get all of the necessary approvals for each application.

  • Primary Award Agreement: The primary award agreement is awarded by the funding agency to UCM or to the pass-through entity.
  • Subaward Agreement: The subaward is the agreement issued from the pass-through to their subrecipient. Not all grant agreements have a subaward.

The Primary Award Agreement must be completed before a subaward agreement can be issued. If the prime award is from federal funding, and the subaward is for $25,000 or more, the prime must complete Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) reporting by the end of the month of a fully executed agreement.

OSPRI will complete the following to process the agreement:

  • Coordinate with UCM’s Legal Affairs & Risk Management office to ensure that all agreements conform to UCM’s standards and do not jeopardize the university.
  • Serve as the agreement negotiator, as needed, to resolve any issues in the agreement’s language, scope of work, and/or budget.
  • Secure all necessary signatures from Authorized Organizational Representatives (AORs), Fiscal Officers, and/or notary publics; and.
  • Return the executed contract to the funder and will retain the original fully executed agreement (when available) for audit purposes.

Next Steps & Compliance

Students working on a project.

Post Award Processes

Learn about how a grant or fee for service contract is managed after it is awarded. This process includes managing funds, reporting, and navigating university resources.

Post Award

Student working on a computer.

Closeout Process

After the end date of the grant, there is a closeout process. This includes final expenditures, final reporting, and final invoicing.


Exterior view of the Administration Building.

Compliance Resources

Following university and funder guidelines is critical in managing a grant or contract. The Compliance section provides guidance and resources for keeping in good standing with a funding agency. Additionally, specialized web-based compliance training, CITI, is available at no cost to UCM personnel and students.

